9 Results found for: Position
John J. Dorning
Professor Emeritus -
Dana M. Elzey
Associate Professor Emeritus -
James M. Howe, Professor Emeritus
Professor EmeritusJames M. Howe's research focuses on: i) the application of in-situ high-resolution and analytical transmission electron microscope techniques to study mechanisms of phase transformations and the structure and properties of interphase boundaries at the atomic level, and ii) the use of valence electron energy-loss spectroscopy (plasmons).
Robert E. Johnson
Professor Emeritus -
William Craig Johnson
Professor Emeritus -
Robert A. Johnson
Professor EmeritusProfessor Emeritus, Materials Science and Engineering
Gary James Shiflet
Professor EmeritusDr. Shiflet's primary interests are in the kinetics and thermodynamics of phase transformations in crystalline and amorphous solids with particular emphasis on the atomic mechanism involved.Interaction potential models are used to compare experiment with theory. Results are extended to microstructure-property relationships.
William Soffa
Professor Emeritus -
Edgar A. Starke, Jr.
University Professor Emeritus