MR5 Building, Room 1219, P.O. Box 800759
​MR5 Building, ​Rooms 1205 and 1219


Brent A. French combines advanced methods of targeted drug and gene delivery with biomedical imaging in vivo to explore novel targets and treatment strategies in cardiovascular disease.  Research interests of the Molecular Bioengineering Lab focus on developing new, more effective strategies for treating and preventing human disease. In parallel, we develop novel diagnostic imaging methods to better understand the progression/regression of disease and the impact of novel therapies on specific disease targets. A highly-collaborative, interdisciplinary approach is used to integrate recent technical advances in multiple fields with our highly translational research. In particular, cutting-edge imaging techniques such as MRI, PET and ultrasound are used to expedite research by providing accurate measures of novel therapies against heart attack and heart failure.


​B.S. in Biochemistry from Louisiana State University in 1982

​​Ph.D. in Biochemistry from Louisiana State University in 1987

Post-Doc ​Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX/NIH/Dept. of Cell Biology from 1987-91

Our research has impact in: 1) uncovering disease mechanisms, 2) evaluating novel therapies, and 3) developing new imaging methods for diagnostics.

Brent a. French Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Research Interests

Targeted Drug and Gene Delivery
Biomedical Imaging
Tissue Engineering and Biomaterials
Cardiovascular Disease

Selected Publications

Contrast enhanced ultrasound reveals partial perfusion recovery after hindlimb ischemia as opposed to full recovery by laser Doppler perfusion imaging. Ultrasound Med Biol. 48(6):1058-1069, 2022 Becker Ab, Chen L, Ning B, Hu S, Hossack Ja, Klibanov Ak, Annex Bh, French Ba
Molecular Mechanisms of Adenosine Stress T1 Mapping. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 14(3):e011774, 2021 Shah Sa, Reagan Ce, French Ba, Epstein Fh
Implications of scar structure and mechanics for post-infarction cardiac repair and regeneration. Exp Cell Res. 376(1):98-103, 2019 French Ba, Holmes Jw
Development of target-specific liposomes for delivering small molecule drugs after reperfused myocardial infarction. J Control Release. 28(220 Pt A):556-67, 2015 Dasa Ss, Suzuki R, Gutknecht M, Brinton Lt, Tian Y, Michaelsson E, Lindfors L, Klibanov Al, French Ba, Kelly Ka.
Adeno-associated virus serotype 9 administered systemically after reperfusion preferentially targets cardiomyocytes in the infarct border zone with pharmacodynamics suitable for the attenuation of LV remodeling. J Gene Med 14(9-10):609-20, 2012 Konkalmatt Pr, Wang F, Piras Ba, Xu Y, O'connor Dm, Beyers Rj, Epstein Fh, Annex Bh, Hossack Ja, French Ba
Robust cardiomyocyte-specific gene expression following systemic injection of AAV: In vivo gene delivery follows a Poisson distribution. Gene Therapy 18(1):43-52, 2011 Prasad Kmr, Xu Y, Yang Z, Acton St, French Ba

Courses Taught

Biomedical Engineering IDEAS Laboratory BME 3080
Biomedical Applications of Genetic Engineering BME 4806/7806

Featured Grants & Projects

Ultrasound Cavitation for Facilitated Cardiac Transduction of AAV R01HL171377 (PI = Jonathan Lindner, Co-I = Brent French) Period 2024-2028
Optical imaging in the Development of Molecularly Targeted AAV for Cardiac Regeneration Source: NIH, NHLBI; R01 HL147193 (PI = BA French) Period: 04/01/19 – 03/31/24. Amount: $1,615,000 (Total direct & indirect over entire period)
Bioengineering of Cardiac Regeneration In Situ after Myocardial Infarction Source: CHRB #207-10-19 (PI = BA French, Co-I = JJ Saucerman & MD Wolf) Period: 07/01/19 – 06/30/23. Amount: $266,000 (Total direct & indirect over entire period)
Multiparametric MRI for the Investigation of Coronary Microvascular Disease Source: NIH, NHLBI; R01 HL147104 (PI = FH Epstein, Co-I = BA French & MD Wolf) Period: 04/01/22 – 03/31/26. Amount: $2,997,885 (Total direct & indirect over entire period)