Jim Fitz-Gerald

Research Interests
Corrosion and Electrochemical Sciences and Engineering
Surface and Interface Science and Engineering
Materials Characterization
Laser-Materials Interactions
Selected Publications
Investigation of Critical Processing Parameters on Laser Surface Processing of AZ31B-H24
M.a. Melia, D.c. Florian, F.w. Steuer, B.f. Briglia, M.k. Purzycki, J.r. Scully, and J.m. Fitz-gerald, Surface and Coatings Tech. 325, 157-165, (2017)
Laser Irradiation of Mg-Al-Zn Alloy: Reduced Electrochemical Kinetics and Enhanced Performance in Simulated Body Fluid
D. C. Florian, M. A. Melia, F. W. Steuer, B. Briglia, M. Purzycki, J. R. Scully, and J. M. Fitz-gerald, Biointerphases, 12 (2), 021003-1-9, (2017)
Ir-doped anatase TiO2 transparent conducting oxide for use in optoelectronics
A. Slonopas, M. Melia, T. Globus, J. M. Fitz-gerald, and Pamela Norris, J. Materials Science, 51, 8995-9004, (2016)
Excimer Laser Surface Modification of AZ31B-H24 for Improved Corrosion Resistance
M. Melia, P. Steiner, N. Birbilis, J.r. Scully, and J.m. Fitz-gerald, Corrosion, 72, 1, 95-109, (2016)
Evaluation of the Potential Range for Sacrificial Mg Anodes for the Cathodic Protection of Mg Alloy AZ31B-H24
T.w. Cain, M.a. Melia, J.m. Fitz-gerald, and J.r. Scully, Corrosion, 73 (5), 544-562, (2017)
Effects of Laser Ablation Coating Removal (LACR) on a Steel Substrate: Part 1: Surface Profile, Microstructure, Hardness, and Adhesion
M. Shamsujjoha, J.r. Brooks, T.j. Tyler, Jr., S.r. Agnew, and J.m. Fitz-gerald, J. Of Surface and Coatings Technology, 281, 193-205, (2015)
Dynamics of the inverse MAPLE nanoparticle deposition process
M.a. Steiner and J.m. Fitz-gerald, Applied Physics a, 119 (2), 629-638 (2015)
Strain induced microstructural and ordering behaviors of epitaxial Fe38.5Pd61.5 films grown by pulsed laser deposition
M. Steiner, R. Comes, J. A. Floro, W. A. Soffa, and J. M. Fitz-gerald, Jvst a, 31 (5), 050824-1–050824-13 (2013)
Courses Taught
Introduction to Engineering
Manufacturing and Processing of Materials
Fellow of the AVS, "For outstanding contributions in the study of laser-solid interactions and thin film materials growth and characterization"
Recipient of a Mead Endowment Award, Experiential Learning at the University of Virginia, Lacy Hall: Student - Led Programs”, given in recognition of undergraduate mentoring beyond the classroom in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Recipient of the Henry Kinnier Award given in recognition of undergraduate mentoring beyond the classroom in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, from the Mead Endowment
Recipient of the Hartfield-Jefferson Scholars Teaching Prize in recognition of excellence in undergraduate teaching in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, from the Jefferson Scholars Foundation
Recipient of the Undergraduate Teaching Award in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science
Featured Grants & Projects
Active corrosion protection of magnesium alloys via functional anodic coatings
Sponsor: U.S. DOD – Army, ARL, Period: 12/13 to 12/17 PI: J.R. Scully, J.M. Fitz-Gerald, N. Birbilis
Implementation of coating Removal Technique for Steel Components on VDOT Bridges
Sponsor: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 7/16 to 6/18 P.I.: J.M. Fitz-Gerald, S.R. Agnew
Welding of ASTM A1010 Steel
Sponsor: Virginia Transportation Research Council, 8/16 to 7/18 P.I.: J.M. Fitz-Gerald, S.R. Agnew
Quantitative Investigation of the Mechanical Performance and Residual Stress of Additively Manufactured Precipitation Strengthened Stainless Steels
Sponsor: U.S. DOD - Navy - Naval Surface Warfare Ctr. (NSWC), 4/2016 – 04/2019 P.I.: S.R. Agnew, J.M. Fitz-Gerald
Real-Time Monitoring of Laser Surface Preparation Process for Improved Bonding
Sponsor: NASA, 1/1/17-1/1/19 P.I. Fitz-Gerald
Effect of Defects in Selective Laser Melted Inconel 718
Sponsor: NASA, 7/17-7/19 P.I.: Fitz-Gerald
Aluminum Alloy Design and Synthesis for Additive Manufacturing
Sponsor: NASA, 7/17-7/19 P.I.: Fitz-Gerald