Sean R. Agnew
William G. Reynolds Professor of Materials Science
Professor of Materials Science and Engineering

Our research is focused primarily on metals analysis, including magnesium alloy formability, intermetallic behaviors, and aluminum alloy fatigue. Our methods of analysis typically include uses of SEM, TEM, XRD, and Neutron diffraction. Also included in our army of techniques is mechanical testing.
Ph.D. Northwestern University, 1998
B.S. Cornell University, 1994
Looking at the microstructure of crystalline materials through experimentation, their properties impact performance in every modern industry."
Research Interests
Surface and Interface Science and Engineering
Materials Characterization
Nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing
Advanced materials for transportation applications
Selected Publications
"Plastic Anistotropy and the Role of Non-Basal Slip in Magnesium Alloy AZ31B," Int. J. Plasticity, accepted
S.R. Agnew and O. Duygulu
“Enhanced Ductility in Strongly Textured Magnesium Produced by Equal Channel Angular (ECA) Processing”, Scripta Mater, 50 (2004) 377-381.
S.R. Agnew, J.A. Horton, T.M. Lillo and D.W. Brown,
“Ultrasonic Velocity and Texture of High RRR Niobium” Materiaux et Techniques, No. 7-8-9 (2003) 38-44.
S.R. Agnew, F. Zeng, and G.R. Myneni
“Study of Slip Mechanisms in a Magnesium Alloy by Neutron Diffraction and Modeling”, Scripta Mater, 48 (2003) 1003-1008.
S.R. Agnew, C.N. Tomé, D.W. Brown, T.M. Holden, and S.C. Vogel
“TEM Invesitgation of <c+a> Dislocation Structures in Mg and Mg-Li α -Solid Solution Alloys”, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 23A, 813-822 (2002).
S. R. Agnew, J. A. Horton, and M. H. Yoo