Group News

  • Gabby successfully defended her thesis

  • Belated Welcome to the Group

    Guru joined us as our new postdoc in November of 2022. Patrick and Cody joined our group in the summer of 2023. We are excited to have you guys here! 

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  • Qualification Exam Success

    Javon congrats on passing the qualification exam! We are so proud of you B-).

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  • Bon Voyage!

    Trevor, Luke, and Adam have all successfully defended their dissertations and have left the Burns group for their new jobs. Zach has also recently started a new position as assistant professor at the University of Pittsburg. Congrats to each of them. We will be cheering you on in your future endeavours!

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  • Successful proposal defenses

    Trevor and Carly have successfully proposed their dissertation research. Congrats!

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  • Looking for new undergraduate student researchers

    With the departure of 3/5ths of our fantastic undergraduate research assistants, we are currently looking for more UGRA help! If you would like to hear about the UGRA positions we have open at the moment, come to the MSE Research Fair on September 8th at 4:00 pm in the Wilsdorf Atrium. The below flyer, created by Alex Uy, lists the research fair details.

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  • Erin, Kallia, and Justine begin their post-undergraduate careers

    Erin, Kallia, and Justine have graduated from UVA. Justine is leaving to pursue her PhD at UCSB in materials science, Erin has decided to try her hand in industry, and Kallia is pursuing a PhD at UVA. They are all phenomenal research assistants and we are sad to see them go, but very proud of and excited for them!

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  • Luke Brown successfully proposes his dissertation work

    Congrats Luke!

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  • Adam Thompson successfully proposes his dissertation work


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  • 2020 Qualification exams

    2020 has been a wild ride, but that hasn't stopped Mike, Alex, and Carly from passing qualification exams!

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