Infrastructure Simulation, Sensing and Evaluation Lab
The research within the Infrastructure Simulation, Sensing and Evaluation Lab (I-S2EE) group is interdisciplinary in nature and crosses the boundaries of civil engineering and systems engineering, but has maintained a focus on characterizing the performance and condition state of the built environment using a variety of techniques. I-S2EE research has explored the domains of transportation infrastructure, smart and connected communities, cyber-physical systems, crowd-sourcing, and smart/high-performance materials.More About Us
Research Focus Areas
• Large-Scale Infrastructure Systems
• Structural Mechanics
• Infrastructure Condition Assessment
• Smart Cities
• Structural Health Monitoring
• Digital Twins
• Image-Based Evaluation Techniques
• Applied Machine Learning
Within I-S2EE our core research leverages the structural engineering laboratory, which is a large-scale physical laboratory housed within the Department of Engineering Systems and Environment. The laboratory is equipped with a variety of testing equipment suited for small component testing, as well as field deployable systems for rapid load testing, monitoring, and non-destructive evaluation of civil infrastructure. In addition to our experimental capabilities, our work is also aligned with the Omni-Reality & Cognition Lab, a facility dedicated to the education and research of human interaction with infrastructure systems and environments, utilizing alternative (virtual, mixed, and augmented) reality technologies.
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