SCHEDULE May 18, 2025
  • 9:00a Lawn Ceremony
  • 11:30p BME Diploma Ceremony Old Cabell Hall
  • STILL IN PLANNING STAGES: Remote Viewing of the Diploma Ceremony at Wilson Hall
  • 12:30p BME Reception at Nau-Gibson Hall/South Commons
  • Each graduate will receive FIVE (5) BOX OFFICE TICKETS to the BME Diploma Ceremony at Old Cabell Hall.  Not 6 tickets. This is due to an 851-person seating limit at Old Cabell Hall.
  • Still in planning stage: We are working on a plan for remote viewing in Wilson Hall. No tickets will be required for remote viewing in Wilson Hall.
  • Where to pick up tickets: We will email you when tickets are available for pick up. Details to come. 
  • Do you have 6 guests? Secure an extra ticket from another student. Should we have extra tickets to give out, we'll make an announcement.
  • Do you have fewer than 5 guests? Share your unused ticket(s) with another graduating student, or surrender unused tickets for BME to distribute.
  • Unticketed guests: Once all ticketed guests are seated, guests without tickets will be admitted to Old Cabell Hall.
  • Fair-Weather Location: Old Cabell Hall, Auditorium (11:30 a.m.)
  • Inclement-Weather Location: Same | Severe-Weather Location: Same
  • BME Department Contacts: Karen Sleezer,
  • Following the Diploma Ceremony, escorts will be posted at the Old Cabell Hall elevators to help mobility-impaired guests travel the ADA route (Map) to South Commons (location of the reception). Everyone else will be guided along a more direct route that has stairs.
  • Light sandwiches and gluten free snacks will be provided by Mona Lisa Pasta in South Commons (adjacent to Gibson & Nau Halls) after the Diploma Ceremony, around 12:30 p.m.
  • Here is official Parking Info from the Office of Major Events.
  • BME guests might consider parking at the Student Wellness Center Garage (Maps), the UVA Health South Garage (Maps), or Scott Stadium. These are all convenient to the Clark Hall/Bryan Hall Entrance to the Lawn. Afterwards, they are convenient to South Commons. The downside is that there is no Shuttle Service from these parking areas. If you park here, you'll be walking a little less than a half mile up to the Lawn. 
  • We can secure parking passes directly at Old Cabell Hall in the "C-1 Lot" for disabled and/or mobility-impaired family members.
  • To secure a C-1 Parking pass, email Karen Sleezer well ahead of time. Karen must talk/email with the organizing parent or the family member who is doing the driving and parking. (Why? because in the past, when we've released passes to your student, the pass tends to go unused).
  • Caps and Gowns: click here
  • PhD Hoods: The School of Engineering provides graduating PhDs with their hoods. Your PhD mentor "hoods" you as part of the diploma ceremony. BS, MS and ME students do not receive hoods.
  • Volunteer training is during exam week. We will do a dry run of the ceremony and reception from the perspective of an usher.
  • All volunteers will get an event badge and wristband. You'll need this stuff to enter Old Cabell Hall while the Lawn Ceremony is happening. If you are unable to attend the Annual Training, email Karen Sleezer, to arrange pick up of this gear.
  • Plan to arrive the Old Cabell Auditorium by 10:00am on Sunday. Enter Old Cabell Hall from New Cabell Hall at the side entrance off the C-1 parking lot. You will need your gear to enter Cabell Hall while the Lawn Ceremony is still taking place. 
  • Regalia is available for pick up in the BME Office starting (TBD).  After 5p on May 16, email Karen Sleezer, to arrange pick up. Regalia will NOT be carried to Old Cabell Hall on Sunday. Return regalia promptly to the BME Main Office (MR5 2010) just after graduation.
  • Meet in basement of Old Cabell after the Lawn Ceremony, no later than 11:15a.
  • If you need to enter Old Cabell Hall before the Lawn ceremony ends (before 11a), you must get an event staff badge and wristband ahead of time--2 weeks ahead.
  • Metal detectors and clear bag policy.
  • Faculty who are attending the Lawn Ceremony and Diploma Ceremony: No special instructions.
  • Family members who are attending only the diploma ceremony and want to enter Old Cabell before the Lawn Ceremony ends: Event Badge and wristband ahead of time--2 weeks ahead.