
We encourage alumni to stay connected and engage with students to aid in their career development. Alumni mentors can help students make decisions about their future plans, including choice of major, internships, career paths and graduate school.

Post Jobs and Internships

We encourage alumni to share job and internship postings for students in HANDSHAKE. For more details, please see our information for EMPLOYERS.

Mentor a Student

Build your UVA family by mentoring a student through the VIRGINIA ALUMNI MENTORING program, which offers semester-long mentoring or flash-mentoring, a one-time informational interview. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE PROGRAM and email MENTORING@VIRGINIA.EDU for assistance.

Connect with Fellow Alumni on LinkedIn  

Learn about the career pathways and experiences of over 140,000 UVA ALUMNI ON LINKEDIN. You can sort alumni by where they live and work, what they do, and field of study as a student, making it easy to find someone new to connect with. You might also wish to join the UVA ENGINEERING ALUMNI AND FRIENDS and UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA ALUMNI, STUDENTS AND FRIENDS groups.

Alumni Association Clubs

The Office of Engagement provides information on ALUMNI CLUBS located in almost 20 countries around the globe. Participate in club events to network, volunteer, and stay connected to the UVA community.

Looking for a new job or a career change?

Our team's advising services are available for recent graduates up to six months after graduation (typically through December for May and August graduates and through June for December graduates). All alumni can seek career advising through ALUMNI CAREER ENGAGEMENT and are welcome to attend UVA career fairs, workshops, and information sessions to speak with employers who are actively recruiting.