CEM Seminar

Little Island, NY – The Construction of the first-ever floating park in New York

On October 15th, as part of a CEM seminar series, we had Brian Aronne, SVP/Project Executive at Hunter Roberts Construction Group on grounds! He talked about the challenges in the construction of Little Island at Pier 55 - The first-ever floating park in New York, which opened to the public on May 21st, 2021. The park floats above the Hudson River in New York City.

The project brought together a robust collaboration of local fabricators and contractors, who helped make the park vision a reality. A team of engineers, artisans, and tradespeople worked together to transform the park from a design concept to physical reality. The $260 million, 2.4-acre park — took more than five years to be built.

seminar speaker in front of a projector screen
students sitting in desks during seminar
students in desks at seminar taken from behind them
students sitting in desks during seminar
construction site image

Questions? Comments?

Diana Franco Duran

Assistant Professor Director, Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program Director, Civil Engineering Minor Director, Construction Engineering and Management Track

Diana Franco Duran is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. She is the director of the Civil Engineering Undergraduate Program, and manages the Construction Engineering and Management (CEM) concentration.