Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Department of Computer Science

The Computer Science Department commits itself to providing to all members of the University, a collaborative barrier-free environment for learning and the advancement of knowledge. 

We recognize that a diversity of people enhances the intellectual and creative environment of our department. It allows us and our graduates to be more capable, more broadly educated, and better prepared to solve the important problems of today and the future.

We recognize that there are those who marginalize, oppress, and abuse others. We decry all such acts and seek to create and sustain a safe and welcoming environment for people of all backgrounds and walks of life. We know there are past injustices that cannot undone and those that are ongoing. We are committed to actively supporting those who have faced or continue to face injustice, and helping all to feel welcomed, safe, and prepared to excel in our department.

The Diversity Committee is a standing departmental committee. The current members are: 

Activities Supporting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:

As part of its diversity-supporting activities, this committee administers a small travel grant program for students seeking to attend conferences and other gatherings aligned with the mission of this committee. If you are an interested student, please fill out this form (University of Virginia account sign-in required). Please allow one month before expecting a reply. Note the important dates as specified on the form. 

We also engage by

  • Sending students to the Grace Hopper Celebration, Tapia Conference, and others
  • Sponsorship and co-organization of CAPWIC
  • Tapestry / Lighthouse- CC programs to train high school and community college teachers
  • Diversity and inclusion training for TAs
  • Partnering with Engineering Career Services on a minicourse in “Careers in CS”
  • We are developing partnerships with minority-serving institutions
  • Faculty/staff training in DEI for faculty/staff searces (and new procedures in faculty/staff searches such as formal rubrics for holistic evaluation of candidates' qualifications)
  • Laptop loaner program

Please use anonymous feedback form or email cs-diversity-chairs@virginia.edu if you have any comments, questions or concerns. Our meetings are public and open to all interested parties; please contact us if you are interested in attending or have information you would like to present.