CS News Briefs

Read the latest news briefs from and about students and faculty in the UVA Computer Science Department.

  • Department of Computer Science Sponsors Popular Programming Contest

    UVA Engineering Computer Science Students Challenge High School Coders

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  • UVA Engineering Alumnus Appointed Vice President and Head of JD Logistics AI and Data Science

    Dr. He Tian has joined JD.com as vice president and the head of JD Logistics AI and Data Science, in charge of smart logistics algorithms, data products, and map services. Dr. He's team will build dedicated, intelligent algorithms and systems for supply chain and logistics scenarios, which will further digitalize JDL's current businesses and open up commercial applications for more external clients. Tian earned his Ph.D. in computer science from University of Virginia in 2004.

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  • UVA Engineering Alumnus Earns National Science Foundation CAREER Award

    Shahriar Nirjon, assistant professor of computer science at UNC-Chapel Hill and director of the UNC Embedded Intelligence Lab, has received a CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation.The five-year, $561,000 grant, titled “CAREER: Toward Embedding Perpetual Intelligence into Ultra-Low-Power Sensing and Inference Systems,” will support his continued research on making small, portable, resource-constrained, embedded systems capable of sensing, learning, adapting, and evolving over an extended period of time.
    More details on this award can be found on the NSF website.

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  • UVA Engineering Alumnus Named Editor in Chief for ACM Transactions on Cyber Physical Systems

    Chenyang Lu, the Fullgraf Professor in the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis, has been named editor-in-chief of ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems for a three-year term that began on March 1, 2021.ACM Transactions on Cyber-Physical Systems is the flagship journal in the field of cyber-physical systems (CPS), publishes papers that advance sciences and technologies at the interactions of information processing, networking and physical processes.

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  • UVA Engineering Alumnus Wins IAAI Deployed Application Award

    Asif Salekin, assistant professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Syracuse University won the 'IAAI Deployed Application Award,' for his paper “Preclinical Stage Alzheimer's Disease Detection Using Magnetic Resonance Image Scans.” The Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence, or IAAI, is a leading conference for highly innovative realizations of AI technology.Salekin leads the Laboratory for Ubiquitous and Intelligent Sensing at Syracuse University.

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  • Two Computer Science Faculty Awarded UVA Global Infectious Diseases Institute Grant

    Professor Anil Vullikanti and Alan Batson Career Enhancement Assistant Professor Haifeng Xu, both with appointments in the UVA Engineering Department of Computer Science, have been awarded an Inequity in Infections Diseases program grant by the UVA Global Infectious Diseases Institute. Vullikanti is also a researcher with UVA's Biocomplexity Institute.UVA Global Infectious Diseases Institute brings UVA researchers together who are invested in combating infectious diseases worldwide.

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  • Ashish Venkat Honored as a 2020 Top Pick in Hardware and Embedded Security

    William Wulf Career Enhancement Assistant Professor of computer science Ashish Venkat and his two collaborators have been honored as a 2020 Top Pick in Hardware and Embedded Security for their paper “Context-Sensitive Fencing: Securing Speculative Execution via Microcode Customization.”Featured at the 2020 International Conference on Computer Aided Design, the paper was selected among hardware security conference papers that have appeared in the last five years in leading architecture, security, and very large-scale integration design conferences.

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  • Sihang Liu Awarded Google Ph.D. Fellowship

    Computer science Ph.D. student Sihang Liu has been awarded a 2020 Google Ph.D. Fellowship in Systems and Networking, based on his research on “Holistic Support for Persistent Memory Systems.” Liu is advised by assistant professor of computer science Samira Kahn.Google created the PhD Fellowship Program in 2009 to recognize and support outstanding graduate students who seek to influence the future of technology by pursuing exceptional research in computer science and related fields.

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  • Mary Lou Soffa Receives Distinguished Faculty Award

    Congratulations to Mary Lou Soffa, Owens R. Cheatham Professor of Sciences, on being awarded the School of Engineering and Applied Science Distinguished Faculty Award in recognition of excellence in teaching, research and service. She has published over 175 articles and has directed 32 Ph.D.

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  • UVA Engineering Alumnus Appointed Chair of CS at Iowa State

    Dr. Hridesh Rajan, a UVA Engineering alumnus, has been appointed chair of the Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University.Rajan, the Kingland Professor of Data Analytics, is Professor-in-Charge of Iowa State's Data Science program. He helped co-lead the effort to establish a new undergraduate data science degree, minor and certificate. In 2016, he founded the Midwest Big Data Summer School to deliver broadly accessible data science curricula to early career researchers from across the nation.

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