Introduction to Programming (CS 1), AP/IB, and CS Place-Out Test Info

Information about CS 1 / Introduction to Programming Courses

CS 1010: Introduction to Information Technology (Restricted to CLAS and Commerce students)

For students interested in a basic introduction to computing. Introduces how computers create, preserve, manipulate and communicate information and the concepts and tools used to that end.  By doing so, students will be able to recognize computational problems and develop basic skill sets to solve future problems in their discipline of study.  Topics include the basics of computer and Internet hardware and software, creating web pages, algorithms and logic, basic programming, and solving problems with spreadsheets. The course does not provide sufficient background to enroll is CS 2xxx courses. Students desiring to take CS 2xxx courses will need to first complete one of the below courses.

CS 1110, CS 1111, CS 1112, and CS 1113: Introduction to Programming

If you have never programmed before, take CS 1110, 1112, or 1113. If you have programmed a little, take CS 1111 (or 1110 or 1113 if you can't get into 1111). If you have programmed a fair amount, you can probably get transfer credit or test out of CS 111x.

  • CS 1110 - A basic introductory course that focuses on learning the basics of programming and computational thinking. No prerequisite required. Language: Python. Requires a lecture section and a lab.
  • CS 1111 - Only students with some programming experience may take this course. This programming experience can be in any language. CS 1111 has the same assignments and tests as CS 1110, but does not require lab and moves slightly faster through some material since students are expected to have some exposure to basic concepts. Language: Python.
  • CS 1112 - Only students with no programming experience may take this course. Offered as a lecture + lab combination that meets three times a week. Language: Python.
  • CS 1113 - CS1 special topics and can vary from semester to semester. In the past we have offered a version focused on a mathematical approach to computing and a version emphasizing uses of computing in engineering disciplines.

Note - You can only receive credit for 1 CS 111X or 1120 course.

For Fall 2023, we are offering:

* Three sections of CS 1110 at MWF 1:00, MWF 2:00, and MWF 3:00.
* One section of CS 1111 at MW 3:30.
* Two sections of CS 1112 at MWF 12:30 and MWF 2:00.

Please see Lou's List or SIS for more information about current enrollment and instructors.

AP / IB Credit for CS 1110

Advanced Placement

  • For Computer Science - 4 or 5 gives credit for CS 1110
  • For CS Principles - 4 or 5 gives credit for CS 1000T and the student is encouraged to take the CS 1110 Placement Test

International Baccalaureate

For Computer Science:

  • 5 on High Level gives credit for CS 1110
  • 6 or 7 on High Level gives credit for CS 1110 and CS 2100

Dual Enrollment

Please discuss with a CS advisor or the your registrar's office.

CS 1110 Place-Out Test

Please see for more information.

More Information

For more information about Computer Science, please see our advising site:

The information contained on this website is for informational purposes only.  The Undergraduate Record and Graduate Record represent the official repository for academic program requirements. These publications may be found here.