Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems
The UVA Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems (The Center), recognized worldwide for its contributions to risk, resilience, and reliability, brings together UVA's technical expertise in collaborations across the University. The Center develops theory, methodology, and technology to identify and manage risk for engineering systems. Industry and government sponsors of research at the Center work closely with faculty and students contributing their unique strengths and interests.
The Center draws together faculty from the School of Engineering and Applied Science, the Darden School of Business, the College of Arts and Sciences, and other units of the University to address cross-disciplinary risk-based government- and industry-sponsored studies. Such joint activities lead to: interacting with graduate students and faculty; exchanging knowledge and ideas at workshops; consulting informally with faculty on technical and other issues; attending tutorials and workshops; welcoming outside staff and professionals to the University of Virginia; sharing technical reports, articles, and publications; accessing software tools; and advancing the state of knowledge and the cutting edge of research on risk management.