Information for Undergraduate Students
Are you an undergraduate student looking to learn or participate in cyber-physical systems courses or research? Below are a few ways to get involved:
Take a CPS course
Below are the CPS courses being offered in Fall 2024:
CE 4500 Smart and Healthy Buildings | Brad Campbell, Arsalan Heydarian
CE 4050 Risk Analysis | Jim Lambert
CS 4434 Dependable Computing Systems | Homa Alemzadeh
CS 4501 Privacy in the Internet Age | Yixin Sun
CS 4501 Smart and Healthy Buildings | Brad Campbell, Arsalan Heydarian, Shangtong Zhang
CS 4501 Autonomous Vehicles: Perception, Planning & Control | Madhur Behl
CS 4774 Machine Learning | Rich Nguyen
Work on a Research Project
Explore Link Lab research areas to identify an area of interest and reach out to Link Lab faculty in those areas.
If you have questions or if you are looking for other ways to engage with the Link Lab as an undergraduate student, contact Kelley Tobler.