Bi-Cheng Zhou and students look at a laptop

Computational Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Materials

The Computational Thermodynamics and Kinetics Group in the University of Virginia’s Materials Science and Engineering department is led by Professor Bi-Cheng Zhou. We do application-inspired fundamental research in materials science. Our research areas include computational thermodynamics and kinetics (the CALPHAD method), Ab initio modeling of thermodynamics and diffusion based on density functional theory, physical metallurgy and theoretical modeling of phase transformations in alloys, oxidation and corrosion in high-temperature systems, electrochemical corrosion of alloys.

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Bi-Cheng Zhou

Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering

Prof. Bi-Cheng Zhou's research interests lie in computational thermodynamics and kinetics of materials. He obtained his Ph.D. in 2015 in MSE with a minor in computational science and a subsequent one-year postdoc from the Pennsylvania State University, both under the guidance of Prof. Zi-Kui Liu.