MSE 6230: Thermodynamics and Phase Equilibria of Materials

This course emphasizes the understanding of thermal properties such as heat capacity, thermal expansion, and transitions in terms of the entropy and the other thermodynamic functions. Develops the relationships of the Gibbs and Helmholtz functions to equilibrium systems, reactions, and phase diagrams. Atomistic and statistical mechanical interpretations of crystalline and non-crystalline solids are linked to the general thermodynamical laws by the partition function. Nonequilibrium and irreversible processes in solids are discussed.

Taught by Dr. Zhou: 2019 Fall, 2020 Fall, 2021 Fall, 2022 Fall

MSE 3070: Kinetics and Phase Transformation in Materials

In this course we will build on the understanding of thermodynamic driving forces and of phase diagrams you developed in MSE 3050 and apply these concepts to the analysis of the key kinetic processes, phase transformations, and the development of microstructure in materials. We will start with discussing chemical reaction kinetics in the gas phase. Most kinetic phenomena in condensed matter involve diffusion, and we will consider the phenomenological descriptions as well as atomic-scale mechanisms of diffusion in materials. We will then discuss the kinetics of phase transformations and microstructure evolution, including the classical nucleation theory, mechanisms of growth and coarsening, theory of capillary, grain growth and so on. By the end of the course we will see how the interplay of thermodynamic driving forces and kinetics of mass transfer is defining the formation of complex microstructures of real materials.

Taught by Dr. Zhou: 2021 Spring, 2022 Spring, 2023 Spring

MSE 6240: Kinetics of Transport and Transformations in Materials

This course will cover three main topics: 1) chemical reaction kinetics, 2) diffusion (mass transport), 3) phase transformation and microstructure evolution. In this course, we will build on the understanding of thermodynamic driving forces and of phase diagrams you developed in MSE 6230 and apply these concepts to the analysis of the key kinetic processes, phase transformations, and the development of microstructure in materials. We will start with discussing chemical reaction kinetics in the gas phase. Most kinetic phenomena in condensed matter involve diffusion, and we will consider the phenomenological descriptions as well as atomic-scale mechanisms of diffusion in materials. We will then discuss the kinetics of phase transformations and microstructure evolution, including the classical nucleation theory, mechanisms of growth and coarsening, theory of capillary, grain growth and so on. By the end of the course we will see how the interplay of thermodynamic driving forces and kinetics of mass transfer is defining the formation of complex microstructures of real materials.

Taught by Dr. Zhou: 2019 Spring

MSE 2090: Introduction to Materials Science

This course is an introductory course for undergraduate students about Materials Science. The field of Materials Science drives technological innovations underlying all engineering fields. This course provides a scientific foundation to promote a rigorous understanding of materials from an atomistic to macroscopic viewpoint. Material systems (polymers, metals, ceramics, and electronic) are developed sequentially to provide a framework to explain the fundamental, physical origins of observable and important macro scale properties.

Taught by Dr. Zhou: 2020 Spring

MSE 6592: Computational Thermodynamics of Materials (In development)

I plan to initiate a new graduate-level course which focuses on teaching the CALPHAD and first-principles based methods to model the thermodynamic properties of materials. Please stay tuned!