By  Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems

PhD candidate Kelsey Hollenback completed the CyberCarpentry: Data Life-Cycle Training with the Datanet Federation Consortium Workshop funded by the National Science Foundation on July 15-26, 2019 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. The CyberTraining program of the National Science Foundation sources and educates the national scientific workforce for creating, utilizing, and supporting advanced cyberinfrastructure that enables cutting-edge science and engineering research.
Emerging cyber-infrastructure solutions necessitate addressing the needs of domain scientists from multiple angles, including data access, metadata management, large-scale analytics and workflows, data and application discovery and sharing, and data preservation. This two-week workshop provided doctoral students and post-doctoral researchers with an overview of best data management practices, data science tools, and concrete steps and methods for performing end-to-end data intensive computing and data life-cycle management. Participants applied aspects of the data-intensive computing environment through collaborative research among domain scientists and computer and information scientists.