By  Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems

Google Scholar recently published their annual journal metrics which measure the impact of scholarly journals. The Springer journal “Environment Systems & Decisions” ( received an h5-index of 21. This year's score shows a continued upward trend. The scores from the previous three years have been 18, 16, and 14.
Dr. James H. Lambert, Director of the Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems, and Dr. Igor Linkov, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center, both serve as Editor in Chief. The Managing Editor is Dr. Zachary A. Collier, President of Collier Research Systems and Fellow of the Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems.
According to Google Scholar, the h5-index is defined as “the largest number h such that h articles published in 2014-2018 have at least h citations each.” The h5-index considers papers published in a journal over the last 5 years.