Graduate Opportunities

A Program for Excellent Graduate Students

Rolls-Royce Doctoral Student Fellowships are open to outstanding Ph.D. candidates whose research and scholarship interests intersect with the UVA University Technology Center's work.

Technical areas of interest include, but are not limited to: next-generation materials, coatings, and thin films; electrochemistry, including corrosion and high-temperature oxidation; propulsion; combustion; machine controls and mechatronics; computational fluid dynamics; energy storage; manufacturing systems; thermal management; mechanics; and multi-functional materials.

The fellowships cover:

  • Tuition
  • Fees
  • Annual stipend
  • Travel allowance

Want to apply for a Rolls-Royce Doctoral Student Fellowship?


The application deadline is January 15.


Elizabeth J. Opila

Department Chair, Rolls Royce Commonwealth Professor of Engineering Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Director, Rolls Royce University Technology Center on Advanced Material Systems

Our research focuses on materials for use in extreme environments and can be applied to materials for use in aircraft engines, rocket engines, energy conversion technologies, and thermal protection systems.