Faculty Bylaws
Faculty Bylaws, School of Engineering and Applied Science. Adopted January 14, 2008. Amended October 14, 2021.
ARTICLE I. Membership
The Faculty of the School of Engineering and Applied Science consists of all full-time members of the academic Faculty employed by the School; all such faculty members have the right to vote in School faculty meetings.
ARTICLE II. Duties of the Faculty
The Faculty of the School are responsible for teaching, research and service, and for upholding the norms of the academy and the principle of academic freedom. To these ends, the School’s Faculty:
a. Review and, as warranted, approve all new graduate and undergraduate academic programs, and significant changes to existing programs. The introduction of, and significant changes to, all degree requirements, curricula, and courses, are subject to the approval of the Faculty; the Faculty also offer advice as needed about academic programs.
b. Review any proposal to eliminate or curtail programs.
c. Participate in discussions concerning the organization of the School into academic departments, divisions, and other administrative units as appropriate;
d. Participate in the selection of the Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science and in the selection of Department Chairs;
e. Uphold the appointment, tenure and promotion processes through peer review. Candidates for promotion and tenure are first reviewed by their disciplinary peers at the department or division level followed by a School committee level review.
f. Work closely with the Dean's Office in representing the School to the general public.
ARTICLE III. Faculty Council
Section 1:
To help carry out its collective duties and to represent the Faculty in the affairs of the School and the University, the Faculty shall elect a Faculty Council.
The Faculty Council shall be composed of the School’s delegation to the Faculty Senate, and shall be elected by secret ballot as vacancies arise.
The Council shall elect a Chair from its members.
Meetings shall be called by the Chair or by at least four members of the Council.
The Council shall meet as often as deemed necessary, or at least twice per semester.
Section 2:
The Council shall:
a. Consult with and advise the Dean and the Department Chairs on any matters concerning the School, including long-range planning;
b. Communicate the sentiments, wishes, and concerns of the Faculty, either collectively or individually, to the administrative officers of the School;
c. Report periodically to the Faculty on problems that require its attention;
d. Recommend to the Dean the creation of committees to carry out the duties listed in Article II or investigate specific issues or problems; and
e. Be available to provide the Dean with counsel in the appointment of Associate and Assistant Deans.
f. The Council and its chair are also responsible for school Faculty meetings, as provided in Article IV.
Section 3:
Action taken by the Council shall be reported to the Faculty before or at the following regular Faculty meeting.
ARTICLE IV. Meetings
Section 1:
During the academic year, meetings of the Faculty will be called no less than once a semester by the Faculty Council, by the Dean, or the Dean’s designee. Notice of the meeting and its agenda, and the minutes of any previous meeting, shall be circulated seven days in advance.
Section 2:
The agenda of a meeting of the Faculty shall be prepared by the Chair of the Faculty Council or by the Chair’s designee, in consultation with the Faculty Council and with the Dean or the Dean’s designee. It shall be the responsibility of the Chair of the Faculty Council to ensure that all faculty members of the School have sufficient means and opportunity to contribute to meeting agendas as warranted. Agendas will reserve time for matters from the floor.
Section 3:
The Chair of the Faculty Council, or the Chair’s designee, shall preside over meetings of the Faculty and share responsibility for presiding if the Dean or the Dean’s designee calls the meeting.
Section 4:
School Faculty members may attend School Faculty meetings. Means of remote attendance shall be provided. Faculty members attending in person or remotely shall be deemed present. If a quorum consisting of a majority of Faculty members are present and vote at the meeting, motions may be adopted at the meeting by immediate vote; adoption is by a majority of votes cast.
Section 5:
If a quorum is not obtained, but at least 25 percent of Faculty members are present, motions may be made and seconded at the meeting, and those motions securing a majority of votes cast at the meeting are then referred to the entire voting Faculty for electronic vote over a voting period of at least 24 hours. In this case, if (a) a majority of Faculty members cast a vote (signifying the equivalent of a quorum), and (b) the motion secures a majority of votes cast, the motion has passed.
Section 6:
Minutes of every faculty meeting shall be taken and archived. Minutes are subject to approval by vote of the Faculty at the next Faculty meeting.
ARTICLE V. Amendments
Amendments to the Bylaws may be made at any regular or special meeting of the Faculty, provided due notice of the proposed change has been distributed to the members of the Faculty at least seven days in advance of the meeting at which the amendment will be considered. Amendments are proposed as motions and are adopted by majority vote as provided in Article IV.