Carl Knospe
Associate Professor Emeritus

Prof. Knospe has worked on a variety of research problems in control and mechatronics, including magnetic levitation, vibration control, control of machining chatter, and stability and performance of time-delay systems. Recently, his research has focused on the use of capillary interfaces in micromechatronic systems, including electrowetting, capillary force actuation, and liquid-liquid interface sensors. Dr. Knospe has served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, IEEE Control Systems Magazine, and Mechatronics.
B.S. ​University of Virginia, 1984
Ph.D. ​University of Virginia, 1989
Selected Publications
"Stability of time-delay systems: Equivalence between Lyapunov and scaled small-gain conditions," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 46 (3), 482-486.
J Zhang, Cr Knopse, P Tsiatras.
Stability of linear systems with interval time delays excluding zero. IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr. 51(8): 1271-1288 (2006).
Carl R. Knospe, Mardavij Roozbehani.
"Feedback linearization of an active magnetic bearing with voltage control," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 10 (1), 21-31.
Jd Lindlau, Cr Knospe.
"Control approaches to the suppression of machining chatter using active magnetic bearings," IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 15 (2), 220-232.
M Chen, Cr Knospe.
"Modeling of nonlaminated electromagnetic suspension systems," IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics 15 (1), 59-69.
L Zhu, Cr Knospe.
L Zhu, Cr Knospe.
"Capillary force actuation," Journal of Micro-Nano Mechatronics 5 (3-4), 57-68.
Cr Knospe, Sa Nezamoddini.
Cr Knospe, Sa Nezamoddini.
"Interrogation of Droplet Configuration During Electrowetting via Impedance Spectroscopy", Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems 24 (6), 2092-2100.
X Hu, M Mibus, G Zangari, C Knospe, Ml Reed.
Courses Taught
MAE 3710 Mechanical Systems
MAE 4730 Automatic Control, MAE 6210 Analytical Dynamics