Cornelius O. Horgan, Professor Emeritus

Cornelius O. Horgan is the Wills Johnson Professor of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics Emeritus in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. He was educated at the National University of Ireland (B.Sc. 1964, M.Sc. 1965, Mathematical Sciences) and at California Institute of Technology (Ph.D. 1970, Applied Mechanics). He held faculty positions at the University of Michigan, the University of East Anglia, the University of Houston and Michigan State University before joining the University of Virginia in 1988. He has held visiting summer appointments at Caltech (1979, 1981) and Cornell University (1982), and visiting professorships at Northwestern University (1977-1978), Caltech (1984-1985), Universita di Pisa (1996, 1997), Universita di Ferrara (2001, 2003), Universita di Lecce (2001, 2003), Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya (1999, 2003) and Dublin City University (2007, 2009-2010). His research interests are in continuum mechanics (mechanics of solids and materials) and applied mathematics, in which fields he has authored or co- authored fifteen invited book chapters, well over 200 publications in refereed archival journals and numerous Conference Proceedings papers. Dr. Horgan is a lifetime member and Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), a lifetime member of the Society of Engineering Science, a Fellow of the American Academy of Mechanics and a member of the International Society for the Interaction of Mechanics and Mathematics (ISIMM). He is a Charter Member of the Engineering Mechanics Institute, American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). He was one of the managing and founding editors of Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids in 1995 and continues to serve on the Editorial Board of that journal as well as that of the J. of Elasticity and Mechanics of Soft Materials. He served on the editorial boards of the ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, Applied Mechanics Reviews, SIAM J. on Applied Mathematics, International J. of Nonlinear Mechanics and Annali dell’Universita di Ferrara, Sezione VII-Scienze Matematiche. He was awarded the degree of Doctor of Science (D.Sc.) by the National University of Ireland in 1983. He served on the Board of Directors, Society of Engineering Science from 1993-1999 and on the Executive Committee of ISIMM from 2002-2007. He was awarded the Eringen medal by the Society of Engineering Science in 2005 in recognition of sustained outstanding achievements in Engineering Science. He was awarded a Science Foundation Ireland E. T. S. Walton Fellowship at Dublin City University, Ireland in 2009-2010.
National University of Ireland: B.Sc. (Hons.) 1964
National University of Ireland: M.Sc. (Hons.) 1965
California Institute of Technology: Ph.D. (Applied Mechanics) 1970
National University of Ireland: D. Sc. (Mathematical Sciences) 1983