MR5 1229
MR5 1227
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Daniel Abebayehu uses biomaterials and high-dimensional approaches to study immuno-stromal axes to determine avenues for intervention that prevent fibrosis and promote repair. The lab's specific areas of interest are in pulmonary injury and repair and modulating responses to biomaterials. The goal is to identify novel diagnostic an therapeutic approaches for pulmonary fibrosis, as well as leverage existing biomaterial platforms in order to improve outcomes for biomaterials that are used clinically. Funding for this work is primarily through the National Institutes of Health and the University of Virginia.

Abebayehu's lab is set at the intersection of different fields, due to the inherently interdisciplinary nature of investigating immune cell and fibroblast crosstalk in the context of fibrosis and tissue repair. The result is a group that sees scientific questions and problems in a new way, pose innovative solutions and answer pressing questions in wound healing. These creative and innovative approaches open new lines of investigation, create a lasting impact on the field and unveil new mechanisms that could impact other fields.

As a postdoctoral fellow in biomedical engineering at UVA, Abebayehu founded UVA Emerging Leaders in Biomedical Engineering, an annual research symposium that highlights the work of senior postdoctoral fellows from underrepresented backgrounds. His commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion at each stage of his career is evidenced by an IMSD fellowship as a graduate student with the VCU Center on Health Disparities, during his tenure as postdoctoral representative for the BME Department's DEI committee at UVA, and being awarded a prestigious NIH MOSAIC K99/R00 award.


2019-2023 NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Virginia

2017-2019 Postdoctoral Fellow, Cardiovascular Research Center, University of Virginia

2017 Virginia Commonwealth University, Ph.D., Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

2011 University of Virginia, B.S., Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

The goal of the field I’m in — immuno-engineering — is to try to tinker with the immune system to promote human health using the body’s own systems to change cells and control health outcomes.


Research Interests

Molecular Immunology
Fibroblast Biology
Regenerative Medicine Tissue Repair, Wound Healing

Selected Publications

"A Thy-1–negative immunofibroblast population emerges as a key determinant of fibrotic outcomes to biomaterials." Science Advances, 10(24): eadf2675. PMCID: PMC11177936 Daniel Abebayehu, Blaise N Pfaff, Grace C Bingham, Andrew E Miller, Mathew Kibet, Surabhi Ghatti, Donald R Griffin, Thomas H Barker (2024)
“Polymer scaffold architecture is a key determinant in mast cell inflammatory and angiogenic responses.” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 107(4): 884-892. PMCID: MC6551205 Abebayehu D, Spence AJ, McClure MJ, Haque TT, Rivera KO, Ryan JJ (2019).
“Lactic acid suppresses IgE-mediated mast cell function in vitro and in vivo.” Cellular Immunology, 341: 103918. PMCID: PMC6579658 Abebayehu D, Spence AJ, Caslin H, Taruselli M, Haque TT, Kiwanuka KN, Kolawole EM, Chumanevich AP, Sell SA, Oskeritzian CA, Kee SA, Ryan JJ (2019)
“Lactic Acid Suppresses IL-33-mediated Mast Cell Inflammatory Responses via Hypoxia Inducible Factor (HIF)-1-dependent miR-155 Suppression.” Journal of Immunology, 197(7): 2909-17. PMCID: MC5026940 Abebayehu D (Co-first author), Spence AJ (Co-first author), Abdul Qayum A, Taruselli MT, McLeod JJA, Caslin HL, Chumanveich AP, Montunrayo EM, Paranjape A, Baker B, Ndaw VS, Barnstein BO, Oskeritzian CA, Sell SA, and Ryan JJ (2016)

Courses Taught

BME 2104 Cell and Molecular Biology


National Institutes of Health Mosaic Postdoctoral Scholar 2022-2023
University of Virginia National Institutes of Health NRSA NHLBI Ruth L. Kirchstein F32 Postdoctoral Fellow (2017-2019)
Virginia Commonwealth University Initiative for Maximizing Student Development (IMSD) Predoctoral Fellow (2015-2017)
University of Virginia Biomedical Engineering Department 2023 “Best Mentor” Teaching Award awarded by UVA BMES | 2024 “Most Inclusive Professor” Teaching Award awarded by UVA BMES | 2024 “Best Advocate for Graduate Students” Award by UVA GBMES
Keystone Symposia Keystone Fellow (2025)

Featured Grants & Projects

National Institute of General Medical Sciences 4R00GM146111 (2023-2026) Immuno-stromal axes regulate fibroblast heterogeneity in tissue fibrosis and regeneration