Small Hall 112
156 Engineer’s Way
156 Engineer’s Way
Charlottesville, VA 22904


Deep Maiti instructs Applied Mathematics courses and our cornerstone first year Engineering Foundations course sequence. He also serves as a first year academic advisor, working closely with the Dean’s Office. His current research interests are in the field of using statistical tools in educational research.


Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, UVA, 2017

M.S. in Electrical Engineering, UVA, 2011

Courses Taught

ENGR 1010/1020 - Engineering Foundations I & II Fall 2023 - Current
APMA 3110 - Applied Statistics and Probability Spring 2019 - Current
ENGR 1620 - Introduction to Engineering Fall 2017
ENGR 1624 - Introduction to Engineering Fall 2018 - Fall 2022
APMA 3080 - Linear Algebra Spring 2022
APMA 3100 - Probability Spring 2022 - Current