Denis Nekipelov
Associate Professor of Economics and Computer Science (by Courtesy)

Ph.D. in Economics, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA, 2008
M.A. in Economics (Cum Laude), New Economic School, Moscow, Russia, 2003
M.Sc., B.Sc. in Applied Physics and Mathematics (with distinctions), Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia, 2003
Research Interests
Computational Methods of Industrial Organization
Structural Economics for Big Data
Selected Publications
Recovering Treatment Effects from Combined Data: Identification versus Data Security.
Economic Analysis of the Digital Economy, Eds. A. Goldfarb, S. Greenstein, C, Tucker, the University of Chicago Press, 2015 (With Tatiana Komarova and Evgeny Yakovlev)
Eliciting Preferences of Sponsored Search advertisers.
Sigcom Exchanges, Vol 13.1, 2014
Mechanism Design for Data Science.
Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM Conference on Economics and Computation. ACM, Pp. 711–712, 2014 (Peer Reviewed) (With Jason Hartline and Shuchi Chawla).
Approximation Properties of Laplace-type Estimators.
(With Anna Kormilitsina), in Advances in Econometrics, 2013.
ACM EC Best Paper Award
US Patent US 2011/0313851 “A Tool for Analysis of Sponsored Search Auctions”
Review of Economic Studies European Tour
H. Gregg Lewis fellowship, Duke University
2003 - 2008