Room 316, Mechanial Engineering Bldg
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Building, Room 324
122 Engineers Way
Charlottesville, VA 22908
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Prof. Eric Loth serves as the Rolls-Royce Commonwealth Professor of Engineering.  Loth’s current research focuses on extreme-scale wind turbines, energy-storage systems, multiphase flow, and aerospace propulsion.  With his students, he has authored over 200 journal papers, 10 patents, and has led more than $16M in research funding in his career.  He is a Fellow of ASME, AIAA, and was named a Yip Visiting Fellow of the Magdalene College at Cambridge University (U.K.).  Dr. Loth has given invited talks at several universities (including Harvard, MIT, Oxford, Penn, Princeton), several national labs (including NETL, NREL, NRL, SNL), and several conference and events (including ARPA-E Congressional Showcase, MIT A+B Applied Energy Symposium, International Conference on Applied Energy, and the World Energy Storage Conference).  He was the panel chair for NAE Energy Research at IMECE and for NAE Aerospace Research at AIAA Sci Tech.  His research has been covered by several media outlets (including American Scientist, CNBC, Daily Mail, LA Times, MIT Technology Review, New Scientist, Popular Science, and USA Today).


B.S. ​Aerospace Engineering, West Virginia University

M.S. Aerospace Engineering, Pennsylvania State University​

Ph.D. ​Aerospace Engineering, University of Michigan

Research Interests

Wind Energy and Energy Storage Systems
Aerospace Propulsion and Aerodynamics
Turbulence, Multiphase Flow, and Fluid-Solid Interaction

Selected Publications

"Fluid Dynamics of Particles, Drops, and Bubbles" textbook from Cambridge University Press, 2023
E. Loth
"Particles in a turbulent gas: Diffusion, bias, modulation and collisions." Progress in Energy and Combustion Science Volume 97, July 2023, 101094 E. Loth
"In-Flight Gas Turbine Engine Icing" AIAA Journal 60 (10), 5610-5632, 2022. E. Tetteh, M.O. Neuteboom, J. Fisher, E. Loth
"A co-design framework for wind energy integrated with storage" Joule 6 (9), 1995-2015, 2022. M.J. Aziz, D.F. Gayme, K. Johnson, J. Knox-Hayes, P. Li, E. Loth, L.Y. Pao
"Super-rated operational concept for increased wind turbine power with energy storage" Energy Conversion and Management: X 14, 100194, 2022.
J.G. Simpson, E. Loth
"Field tests of a highly flexible downwind ultralight rotor to mimic a 13-MW turbine rotor" Conf. Ser. 2265 032031, 2022 J. Phys, E. Loth
"Review of computational methods for aerodynamic analysis of iced lifting surfaces" Progress in Aerospace Sciences 111, 100583, 2019.
S.J. Stebbins, E. Loth, A.P. Broeren, M. Potapczuk

Courses Taught

Wind Energy Fall 2023