Giovanni Zangari

My research interests include the growth by electrochemical deposition and the characterization of metallic, semiconductive and dielectric films for advanced applications in magnetics, microelectronics, actuation and energy conversion, the development of novel electrochemical processes for the practical fabrication of sensors and devices, and the investigation and optimization of electrochemical methods for the synthesis of nanostructures. An overarching theme of his research is also the fundamental understanding of electrochemical deposition phenomena and how atomistic processes determine microstructure and properties of materials.
Research Interests
Nanoelectronics and 2-D Materials
Corrosion and Electrochemical Sciences and Engineering
Nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing
Solar Power
Battery/Fuel Cell Technologies/Energy Harvesting
Selected Publications
“Metal-insulator transition in nanocomposite VOx films formed by anodic electrodeposition” Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 (20) 202102 (2013)
L.-K. Tsui, H. Hildebrand, J. LU, P. Schmuki, G. Zangari
“Selective electrodesorption based atomic layer deposition (SEBALD) modifications of silver surfaces for enhancing oxygen reduction activity” J. Power Sources 241, 80-86 (2013)
M. Innocenti. G. Zangari, C. Zafferoni Et Al
“Dielectric breakdown and failure of anodic aluminum oxide films for electrowetting systems” J. Appl. Phys. 114, 014901 (2013)
M. Mibus, C. Jensen, X. Hu, C. Knospe, M.L. Reed, G. Zangari
“Advanced alkaline water electrolysis” Electrochim. Acta 82, 384-391 (2012)
S. Marini, P. Salvi, P. Nelli, R. Pesenti, M. Villa, M. Berrettoni, G. Zangari, Y. Kiros
“Electrochemical characterization of the surface area of nanoporous gold films” J. electrochem. Soc. 159 (4) K97-K102 (2012)
E. Rouya, S. Cattarin, M.L. Reed, R.G. Kelly, G. Zangari
“Unusually large magnetic anisotropy in electrochemically deposited Co-rich Co-Pt films” ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 3 (6) 1800-1803 (2011)
V. Sirtori, P. Cavallotti, R. Rognoni, X. Xu, G. Zangari, G. Fratesi, M.I. Troni, M. Bernasconi
"Underpotential Co-Deposition of Fe-Pt Alloys from an Alkaline Complexing Electrolyte: Electrochemical Studies” J electrochem Soc 158 (3) D149-D157 (2011)
D. Liang, J.J. Mallett, G. Zangari
Distinguished Plenary Lecture Award – Interfinish World Congress and Exhibition
Fellow of the Electrochemical Society
Oak Ridge Associated Universities – Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award