Haibo Dong
Director of Undergraduate Aerospace Engineering

Professor Dong joined UVA as an Associate Professor in August 2012. Prior to his position at UVA, Dr. Dong was an associate professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Wright State University. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in Aerospace Engineering from UCLA in 2003. After completing his doctorate, he spent three years as a post-doctoral researcher at the George Washington University on an ONR sponsored MURI program.
B.S. ​Chengdu University of Science and Technology
M.S. University of Science and Technology of China
Ph.D. ​Aerospace Engineering, University of California in Los Angeles
Research Interests
Fluid Mechanics
Bio-inspired systems
Morphing structures/biomimetics
Selected Publications
Wing kinematics measurement and aerodynamics of a dragonfly in turning flight, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, (2017) Volume 12, Number 2.
C. Li, H. Dong
Vortex dynamics and new lift enhancement mechanism of wing-body interaction in insect forward flight, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 795, 634-651, (2016)
G. Liu, H. Dong, C. Li
Three-dimensional wake topology and propulsive performance of low-aspect-ratio pitching-rolling plates, Physics of Fluids, Vol. 28, 071901, (2016)
C. Li, H. Dong
On the symmetry of proper orthogonal decomposition modes of a low-aspect-ratio plate, Physics of Fluids 27, 063601 (2015)
Z. Liang, H. Dong
Effects of a Dynamic Trailing-Edge Flap on the Aerodynamic Performance and Flow Structures in Hovering Flight, Journal of Fluid And Structures, Vol. 58, 49-65, (2015)
C. Li, H. Dong, G. Liu
Courses Taught
Computational Fluid Dynamics
FALL 2017, FALL 2016, FALL 2015, FALL 2014, FALL 2013
SPRING 2016, SPRING 2015, SPRING 2014, SPRING 2013
AIAA Foundation Abe M. Zarem Educator Award
APS/DFD Gallery of Fluid Motion Best Video Award
UVA MAE Teaching Award
NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER)
Southwest Ohio Council for Higher Education Teaching Award