Kathryn A. Neeley

Kathryn Neeley has been on the faculty of the School of Engineering & Applied Science since 1979 and might be best described as a recovering English major who found her calling in the most unexpected of places: engineering. She began her career as a writer, editor, and producer who worked on research teams in materials science and chemical engineering and developed print and video materials to promote SEAS research programs. These experiences provided her with both a broad view and a first-hand knowledge of engineering research, design, and culture. She is inspired by the potential of technology to promote human flourishing and by an understanding of engineering as a potentially ideal combination of practicality and vision.
Ph.D., English Literature, Language, and Pedagogy, University of Virginia, 1989
M.A., English, University of Virginia, 1979
B.A., English, University of South Carolina, 1976