4040 Lewis and Clark Dr.
Google Scholar University of Virginia, Center for Applied Biomechanics


Dr. Panzer is the Associate Dean for Graduate Education and Post-Doctoral Affairs for the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, a Professor of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering and Biomedical Engineering at the University of Virginia, and the Deputy Director at the Center for Applied Biomechanics. He graduated from Duke University with a PhD in Biomedical Engineering, and from the University of Waterloo in Ontario Canada with this BS and MS in Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Panzer's research covers computational and experimental methods to study high-rate non-linear mechanics in the fields of tissue mechanics, impact biomechanics, vehicle crashworthiness, military blast and ballistics, and sports injury. Current applications of this research include the study of traumatic brain injury for blast, ballistic, and football helmet impacts, biological tissue testing and characterization, human body model development for automotive crashworthiness and blunt non-lethal weapons, and the development of injury mitigation systems such as helmets. Dr. Panzer has served as the Principal Investigator for more than 40 programs funded by various federal and industrial sponsors, and has authored more than 125 peer-reviewed journal and conference articles.


B.S. ​University of Waterloo, 2003

M.S. ​University of Waterloo, 2006

Ph.D. ​Duke University, 2012

"Our research makes an impact on the development of new injury mitigation technologies through the study the biomechanics of impact in sports, automotive crashes, and the military."


Research Interests

Traumatic Brain Injury
Injury Biomechanics
Computational Biomechanics
Experimental Biomechanics
Design of Personnel Protective Equipment

Selected Publications

Quantifying the Effect of Sex and Neuroanatomical Biomechanical Features on Brain Deformation Response in Finite Element Brain Models. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 50, 1510-1519. 2022. Reynier KA, Guidice JS, Forman JF, and Panzer MB
Evaluation of Tissue-Level Brain Injury Metrics Using Species-Specific Simulations. Journal of Neurotrauma. 38 (13), 1879-1888. 2021. Wu T, Hajiaghamemar M, Giudice JS, Alshareef A, Margulies S, and Panzer MB.
Biomechanics of the human brain during dynamic rotation of the head. Journal of Neurotrauma. 35(5), 780-789. 2020. Alshareef A, Giudice JS, Forman J, Shedd DF, Reynier KA, Wu T, Sochor S, Sochor MR, Salzar RA, and Panzer MB
A reanalysis of football impact reconstructions for head kinematics and finite element modeling. Clinical biomechanics, 64, 82-89. 2019 Sanchez EJ, Gabler LF, Good AB, Funk JR, Crandall JR, and Panzer MB
A novel method for quantifying human in situ whole brain deformation under rotational loading using sonomicrometry. Journal of Neurotrauma, 35(5), 780-789. 2018 Alshareef A, Giudice JS, Forman JF, Salzar RS, and Panzer MB
Skin Mechanical Properties and Modeling: A Review. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part H, Jrnl of engineering in medicine, 232(4), 323-343. 2018 Joodaki H and Panzer MB
Assessment of kinematic brain injury metrics for predicting strain responses in diverse automotive impact conditions. Annals of Biomedical Engineering. 44(12):3705-3718. 2016 Gabler LF, Crandall JR, and Panzer MB

Courses Taught

MAE 3310: Aerospace Structures 2016
MAE 6080: Constitutive Modelling of Biosystems SPRING 2014, 2018, 2020
MAE 6250: Multibody Mechanical Systems FALL 2014, 2015
MAE 6710: Finite Element Analysis SPRING 2015-2024
MAE 6952: Impact Mechanics FALL 2019, 2021, 2023
MAE 7030: Injury Biomechanics SPRING 2017, 2019, 2023


Shannon Fellow 2024-2027
Copenhaver Fellow 2023
MAE Early Career Researcher of the Year’ 2021, 2022
UVA Research Achievement Award 2019
MAE Young Research of the Year 2018, 2019