Michael C. Smith

Michael Smith earned his B.S. and M.S. in Industrial Engineering at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville and his Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering at the University of Missouri-Columbia. He served as Executive Director of the Accelerated Master's Program in Systems Engineering (AMP) from 2004-2017 and continues to serve both AMP and the ESE Department on a part-time basis. His experience involves teaching, research, and application of a broad spectrum of management science and operations management techniques with emphasis on systems analysis, design, and evaluation problems in public and private sector settings. He served on the Industrial Engineering faculties at Oregon State University and the University of Missouri-Columbia before joining Science Applications International Corporation (now Leidos) where he was a Senior Scientist from 1983-2004. His technical expertise spans applied quantitative methods, strategic planning, technology evaluation, and organizational assessment. He has worked across a variety of application domains including manufacturing, transportation, defense, and health care. Dr. Smith continues to be active professionally as an independent consultant and as an "on-call" professional for Leidos where he engages in multiple programs in support of the Federal Highway Administration's Office of Operations.