ChE 210


Michael L. King is a professor of practice in the Department of Chemical Engineering. He received his B.S.degree in chemical engineering from VA Tech, M.S. from the University of Virginia and Ph.D. from University of Delaware. Mike had a significant 32-year industrial experience at Merck and Co, Inc. including responsibilities in both the research and manufacturing areas related to the commercialization of new pharmaceuticals and vaccines. He retired as senior VP and advisor to the chairman, president and CEO after a long assignment as senior VP of Science and Technology. He came to UVA in 2007 as The Brenton S. Halsey Distinguished Visiting Professor. He continued as lecturer to help develop the Engineering School's engineering business minor and was appointed professor of practice in 2013.

In addition to his academic roles, Mike serves as a subject matter expert on chemistry, manufacturing and control (CMC) for commercialization of biopharmaceuticals. He is currently engaged with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as a vaccine subject matter expert. He also was very active in COVID-19 vaccine development effortss as member of the Research, Development and Manufacturing Investment Committee of COVAX (focus on global access to COVID vaccines). Recently he was appointed as member of CEPI's (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation) Portfolio Strategy Management Board and is also Vice Chair of CEPI's Scientific Advisory Committee. He also serves on the board of directors of Engineering Conferences International and Contraline (a local biotech startup developing male contraceptives). 

His industrial career experience led him to develop an appreciation for the many challenges faced in new product innovation and commercialization, especially for pharmaceuticals and vaccines. Mike leverages those experiences to teach CHE 4456/5456 "Bioproduct and Bioprocess Engineering" which provides an overview of the engineering challenges in design and commercialization of vaccines and biologics. 

Mike is also an avid global travel photographer having traveled to all 7 continents and 62 countries.