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Mona Zebarjadi is a joint professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering Departments at the University of Virginia, where she is leading the Energy Science and Nanotechnology Lab (ESNL). Prior to her current appointment, she was a professor of the Mechanical Engineering Department at Rutgers University. Her research interests are in electron and phonon transport modeling; materials and device design, fabrication, and characterization; with emphasis on energy conversion systems such as thermoelectric, thermionic, and thermomagnetic power generators, and heat management in high power electronics and optoelectronic devices. She received her Bachelor's and master's degree in physics from Sharif University and her Ph.D. in EE from UCSC in 2009, after which she spent 3 years at MIT as a postdoctoral fellow working jointly with electrical and mechanical engineering departments. She is the recipient of the 2017 NSF Career award, 2014 AFOSR career award, 2015 A.W. Tyson assistant professorship award, MRS graduate student gold medal, and SWE electronics for imaging scholarship.


B.S. ​Sharif University, 2002

M.S. ​Sharif University, 2004

Ph.D. ​University of California, Santa Cruz, 2010

Post-Doc Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, 2010-2012

"E-Snail is working to provide efficient and reliable solid state devices to convert waste heat and solar energy to usable electrical energy and to manage heat at micron-scales."

Mona Zebarjadi, Associate Professor

Research Interests

Microscale Heat Transfer
Nanoelectronics and 2-D Materials
Computational Materials Science
Solar Power and waste heat recovery

Selected Publications

Perspectives on thermoelectrics: from fundamentals to device applications M Zebarjadi, K Esfarjani, MS Dresselhaus, ZF Ren, G Chen; Energy & Environmental Science 5 (1), 5147-5162 ; 500 citations
Power factor enhancement by modulation doping in bulk nanocomposites M Zebarjadi, G Joshi, G Zhu, B Yu, A Minnich, Y Lan, X Wang, et al.; Nano letters 11 (6), 2225-2230; 206 citations
Enhancement of thermoelectric properties by modulation-doping in silicon germanium alloy nanocomposites B Yu, M Zebarjadi, H Wang, K Lukas, H Wang, D Wang, C Opeil, ...; Nano letters 12 (4), 2077-2082; 177 citations
Effect of nanoparticle scattering on thermoelectric power factor M Zebarjadi, K Esfarjani, A Shakouri, JH Bahk, Z Bian, G Zeng, J Bowers, ...; Applied Physics Letters 94 (20), 202105; 101 citations
High thermoelectricpower factor in graphene/hBN devices J Duan, X Wang, X Lai, G Li, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, M Zebarjadi, E. Andrei

Courses Taught

Solid State Devices for Renewable Energy Applications
Electrons and Phonons
Introduction to Heat Transfer
Alternative Energy Systems
Electromagnetic Fields
Introduction to Materials Science


A. Walter Tyson Assistant Professorship Award
Graduate Student Gold Medal winner Materials Research Society
Society of Women Engineers, the Electronics for Imaging Scholarship
Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship

Featured Grants & Projects

NSF Career Grant: Nonlinear Solid-State Thermal to Electrical Power Generators Design of solid-state thermoelectric , thermionic and thermomagnetic devices
AirForce Career Grant: Meta Conductors with invisible dopants Design of 2D devices with high mobility and high thermoelectric power factor