Wilsdorf Hall 126
​Wilsdorf Hall 115 395 McCormick Road
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Petra Reinke received her first degree, a diploma (M.S.) from the University of Konstanz in Germany, in Chemistry where she focused on physical chemistry. Her thesis was on the study of hydrogen bonding in solids. Her interest in physics led her to the Max-Planck-Institute for Plasmaphysics in Munich where she earned a Ph.D. She studied low-pressure plasma which are used in the growth of amorphous hydrogenated carbon. From here, it was only a small step to investigate the growth of diamond films and ion-matter interactions in materials like BN, diamond, silicon and other semiconductors. After a Postdoc at the Ecole Polytechnique in Montreal, Canada, her focus shifted to the reactions at surfaces and interfaces, which are also a versatile canvas for the synthesis of nanomaterials. She pursued these interests at the University of Basel, Switzerland, and received the venia legendi (Habilitation) in 2000. After a short stay at the University of Goettingen, Germany, as a research group leader she jumped at the opportunity to move to UVA and built a surface science research group in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.


​Post-doctoral fellow, Ecole Polytechnique - University of Montréal (Canada), Department of Engineering Physics, research group Prof. L. Martinu, 1992–1994)

Ph.D. Physics, Technical University Munich/ Max-Planck Institute for Plasmaphysics (Germany), 1992

M.S. Chemistry, University of Konstanz (Germany), 1989

B.S. Chemistry, University of Konstanz (Germany), 1989

"Surfaces are the key to Nanoscience - this is where reactions happen, and nanostructures are made. Our research looks at surfaces at the atomic scale."


Research Interests

Nanoelectronics and 2-D Materials
Corrosion and Electrochemical Sciences and Engineering
Surface and Interface Science and Engineering
Materials Characterization
Nanomaterials and nanomanufacturing

Selected Publications

Magnetism in Mn-Nanowires and -Culsters as Delta-doped Layers in Group IV Semiconductors (Si, Ge). Appl. Physs. Lett. Materials 6, 016105 SIMOV, K., GLANS-SUZUKI, A., JENKINS, C.A., LIBERATI, M., REINKE, P., 2018
Evolution of NiO Island Size Distributions during the Oxidation of a Ni-5Cr Alloy: Experiment and Modeling. ACS Appl. Mat. and Interfaces 10, 9136-9146
Alternative route to Silicene Synthesis via Surface Reconstruction on h-MoSi2 Crystallites. Nano Lett., 17, pp 299–307 (2017) VOLDERS, C.J., MONAZAMI, E., RAMALINGAM, G. AND REINKE, P.
Strain Lattice Imprinting in Graphene by C60 Intercalation at the Graphene/Cu Interface. Nano letters, 15, pp.7421-7430 (2015) MONAZAMI, E., BIGNARDI, L., RUDOLF, P. AND REINKE, P.
Electronic Structure and Band Gap of Fullerenes on Tungsten Surfaces: Transition from a Semiconductor to a Metal Triggered by Annealing. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8, pp.34854-34862 (2016) MONAZAMI, E., MCCLIMON, J.B., RONDINELLI, J. AND REINKE, P.

Courses Taught

MSE 4055 Nanoscience and Technology EVERY FALL SEMESTER
MSE 7220 - Surface Science FALL 2016
MSE 6167 - Electronic, magnetic and optical properties of materials SPRING 2016
MSE 3670 - Electronic, magnetic and optical properties of materials (UG)


Featured Grants & Projects

"Acquisition of an X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer for In-situ Experiments to advance Corrosion Studies, Surface and Interface Engineering" PI: P. Reinke, DURIP-ONR ((8/1/16 – 7/31/18) Program Manager: Dr. D. Shifler.
NSF-MRI (9/1/16 – 8/31/19) E. Opila, P. Reinke, I. Harrison, S. Macko NSF-MRI (9/1/16 – 8/31/19) E. Opila, P. Reinke, I. Harrison, S. Macko
“Nanosphere Synthesis and the Impact of Curvature on Molecule Adsorption” PI: P. Reinke, National Science Foundation – Division of Chemistry (8/1/15-7/31/18)
"Understanding Atomic Scale Structure in Four Dimensions to Design and Control Corrosion Resistant Alloys" PI: L. Marks and others, Co-PI at UVa: J. Scully, P. Reinke, MURI-ONR, (7/1/14 – 6/30/17), Program Manager: Dr. D. Shifler.
"Challenges in the physics and chemistry of complex surfaces" PI: J. Schnadt (Lund University, Sweden), P. Reinke, and A. Mikkelsen (Lund University, Sweden). STINT-The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation Research and Higher Education. Initiation Grant (8/30/2014 - 9/1/2015)
“Investigation of the oxidation of stoichiometric and carbon-rich tungsten carbide surfaces” PI: P. Reinke, National Science Foundation – Division of Materials Research– Ceramics (8/1/10-7/31/15)