Olsson Hall 111A


Dr. Krzysztofowicz joined the U.Va. faculty in 1982, after he had held faculty posts at the University of Arizona and MIT. He He develops theories and models for probabilistic forecasting and optimal decision making under uncertainty.

His Bayesian Forecast-Decision Theory offers a unified framework for comprehensive/multidisciplinary design and analysis of probabilistic forecast systems coupled with optimal decision systems. It has been applied to assorted problems in hydrology, meteorology, water resources, agriculture, education, and engineering.

A scholar with expertise in multiple disciplines, Dr. Krzysztofowicz authored/coauthored over 120 archival articles published in some 26 journals, 15 books, 4 encyclopedias; and over 60 other papers. He was editor-in-chief of the Journal of Hydrology (1996–2007), and associate editor of the Journal of Applied Meteorology, Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, and SERRA (Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment).

A frequent plenary speaker at international conferences, Dr. Krzysztofowicz also has lectured at NATO Advanced Study Institutes, short courses at George Washington University, training courses for senior forecasters of the National Weather Service; has served as expert on forecasting to the World Meteorological Organization, and a scientist at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. He is the Eminent Engineer of Tau Beta Pi, a recipient of 5 Departmental Teaching Awards, a recipient of the Witold Wierzbicki Award in structural mechanics, a recipient of the Presidential Young Investigator Award, and a biographee in Marquis "Who's Who in America", "Who's Who in the South and Southwest", "Who's Who in Science and Engineering", "Who's Who in Finance and Business", and "Who's Who in the World" [Marquis Who's Who Website:].