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Shannon Barker, Ph.D., focuses on ensuring that the BME undergraduate program's educational objectives and learning outcomes, as well as its curriculum, reflect an innovative and highly effective learning environment that meets the needs of all of its students, as well as employers, graduate & professional schools, and accreditation bodies. She is an Associate Professor and Undergraduate Program Director in the Department of Biomedical Engineering. She received her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the University of Alabama at Birmingham under the advisement of Dr. David Curiel and completed two post-doctoral fellowships with Dr. Jeffrey Chamberlain at the University of Washington and Dr. Patrick Aebischer at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne.  

Before coming to UVA, Shannon was the Director of Graduate Training at the Georgia Institute of Technology & Emory University Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering, where she was part of a leadership team for a graduate program spanning multiple degree options, multiple institutions, and multiple countries. She also taught core courses in the undergraduate program. Shannon's initial role at UVA was in the Engineering's Dean's Office as Director of Graduate Education, where she worked with Deans and faculty to provide leadership, and direct and develop strategies and policies, that impact graduate students and post-docs in the School. Shannon has a passion for teaching students, and has won multiple awards in this area.


PhD, Biomedical Engineering, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2002

Research Interests

Engineering Education
Inclusive and Equitable Student Support

Selected Publications

A collaborative, principle-focused curriculum design process for a BME undergraduate program. SD Barker, L Mandeltort, B Helmke, K Naegle, T Allen, F French (2024).
ASEE Annual Conference.
Teaching engineering design through a team-based multi-disciplinary humanitarian engineering project. SD Barker, L Wheeler, J Taggert (2023)
ASEE Annual Conference
Creating inclusive classrooms: work developed during the ASEE Year of Impact on Racial Equity (YIRE). J Jarrett, SD Barker, K Crosson, V Goodrich, V Froude (2023)
ASEE Annual Conference
The use of infographics to teach students about health disparities in a physiology course. SD Barker (2022), 2022 BMES Annual Conference
The use of virtual design modules in an introduction to engineering course: impact on learning outcomes and engineering identity. SD Barker (2021)
ASEE Annual Conference
Best Paper (Graduate Division): A holistic PhD admissions rubrics: design and implementation. SD Barker, A Clobes (2021)
ASEE Annual Conference

Courses Taught

BME 2101 Physiology II for Engineers
BME 4550 BME Engineering Women's Health
BME 6002 Organ-Level Physiology for Engineers


2022 All-University Faculty Teaching Award UVA Office of the Provost
2022 Hartfield Excellence in Teaching Award Jefferson Scholars Foundation

Featured Grants & Projects

BME Co-Lead, HHMI Driving Change Initiative The goal of HHMI Driving Change is to effect genuine and lasting culture change so that students from all backgrounds will excel in STEM.