Stephen G. Wilson

Prof. Wilson received the Ph.D. from the University of Washington, an M.S. from the University of Michigan, and a B.S. from Iowa State, all in Electrical Engineering. Dr. Wilson has been a member of the faculty since 1976. He teaches courses and conducts research in digital communication systems, especially as relates to error control coding. He is the author of a graduate-level textbook Digital Modulation and Coding, and he has presented approximately 100 technical papers in this field. He is currently area editor for coding techniques of the IEEE Transactions on Communications. He serves as a consultant to several industrial organizations in the areas of communication system design and analysis and digital signal processing.
Prof. Wilson is the recipient of several awards for outstanding education, including UVa Alumni Board of Trustees Outstanding Professor Award; Virginia State Council of Higher Education for Outstanding Faculty Award; AT&T Foundation Award for Excellence for Outstanding Engineering Education; 1998 Lucien Carr III Professorship in Engineering for contributions to the SEAS undergraduate program; and the Morton Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching (SEAS).