Materials for Decarbonization
Applying geochemistry to solve environmental problems
We are working to develop a number of different engineered low carbon materials that can be used for environmental remediation applications. One broad class of inquiry is focused on mineral carbonation of a specific class of silicates. The ways in which these materials dissolve and then recombine can lead to intersting products in a number of applications like advanced cements. A second broad class of inquiry is focused on materials for carbon capture and storage. There is an urgent need to develop technologies that can be used to remove CO2 directly from air and our ideas could help create new approaches to solving these problems.
Example publications
Kim, J. J., Ling, F. T., Plattenberger, D. A., Clarens, A. F., & Peters, C. A. (2022). Quantification of mineral reactivity using machine learning interpretation of micro-XRF data. Applied Geochemistry, 136, 105162. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/J.APGEOCHEM.2021.105162 [Editors’ Choice Award]
Plattenberger D, Brown T, Ling F, Lyu X, Fitts J, Peters C, Clarens A (2020) Feasibility of using reactive silicate particles with temperature-responsive coatings to enhance the security of geologic carbon storage, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 95,102976. HTTPS://DOI.ORG/10.1016/J.IJGGC.2020.102976