
Osman E. Ozbulut
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
Osman Ozbulut is an Associate Professor of Civil Engineering in the Department of Engineering Systems and Environment at the University of Virginia. His research focuses on the development and characterization of sustainable hemp-based composites for building applications.

Katie MacDonald
Assistant Professor of Architecture
Katie MacDonald is an Assistant Professor of Architecture at the University of Virginia School of Architecture and Cofounder of After Architecture.  MacDonald’s current work leverages data and feedback to reframe the relationship between computation, biology, and authorship, with a focus on biomaterials such as invasive plant species and bamboo.

Lisa Colosi Peterson
Associate Professor of Environmental Engineering
Lisa Colosi Peterson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Engineering Systems & Environment and founding co-director of the UVA Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Lab. Her work focuses on systems-based approaches to delivering clean water and low-carbon energy. Her group uses a combination of bench-scale experiments and modeling, such as LCA and techno-economic analsyis.


Bryan Berger
Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering
Bryan Berger is an Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Virginia. He develops processing technologies for hemp and value-added materials from hemp biomass, and is co-founder of Fiacre Enterprises, which sells grain and fiber hemp varieties to growers, and provides expertise in post-harvest processing.

Devin Harris
Professor of Civil Engineering
Devin Harris is a Professor of Civil Engineering in the Department of Engineering Systems and Environment at the University of Virginia. He explores the use of recycled plastic in hemp-based fiber composites.