Lab News

  • Congrats to HPLP students on being accepted as DAC Young Student Fellow

    Elisa Pantoja, Sergiu Mosanu, M Ceylan Morgul, Mohammad Nazmus Sakib and Vaibhav Verma were accpected towards the DAC Young Student Fellowship Program, 2020. Congrats to all!

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  • Conference Paper accepted to Device Research Conference,2020

    Samiran Ganguly, Mohammed Nazmus Sakib, Hamed Vakili, Advait Madhavan, Matthew W. Daniels, Mark D. Stiles, Mircea R. Stan and Avik W. Ghosh's paper titled, " Magnetic Racetrack based Temporal Memory for Race Logic" has been accepted at the Device Research Conference, 2020.

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  • Congrats to Rahul on winning Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award

    Rahul Sreekumar was nominated as an outstanding Teaching Assistant by the Electrical and Computer Engineering department for the Spring semester'20. Congrats Rahul!

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  • Congrats to HPLP students for passing qualifying examination

    Mohammad Nazmus Sakib, M Ceylan Morgul and Rahul Sreekumar successfully passed their qualifying examination as a part of their PhD program, on the 10th of March, 2020. Congrats to our PhD candidates.

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  • First SRC JUMP patent released

    Prof. Mircea Stan in collaboration with Elaheh Sadredini, Gholamreza Rahimi and Prof. Kevin Skadron released a patent titled, "Methods, Circuits, Systems, and Articles of Manufacture for State Machine Interconnect Architecture using Embedded DRAM(US 10,580,481)". This patent marks the first release under the banner of the SRC JUMP Center for Research on Intelligent Storage and Processing-in-memory research program.
    Source: SRC Newsroom

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  • Congrats to Vaibhav on being elected as President of ECE Grad Council

    Vaibhav Verma was recently elected as the President for the ECE Graduate Council for the year 2019-20. We congratulate him on his new position and wish him all the luck on his future endeavours.

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  • han and trey poster

    HPLP students showcase posters at ECE “Welcome back Breakfast and Research Poster session”

    Junhan Han and Robert E. West III presented posters on their research areas at the ECE “Welcome back Breakfast and Research Poster session”. Their posters covered topics on Active microchannel cooling techniques for 3-D IC's and modelling of thermal hot spots on IC's, respectively.

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  • Patricia's Defense

    Congratulations to Patricia Gonzalez-Guerrero for her successful doctoral dissertation defense

    Patricia Gonzalez-Guerrero successfully defended her PhD dissertation on “Asynchronous Computing with Streams”, on the 22nd of July,2019. Congrats, Dr. Patricia.

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  • Tom's defense

    Congratulations to Tom Tracy for his successful doctoral dissertation defense

    Tom Tracy successfully defended his PhD dissertation on “Accelerating Decision Tree Ensemble Inference with an Automata Representation”, on the 20th of August,2019. Congrats, Dr. Tom.

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  • X. Guo and Mircea R. Stan publish new book on Accelerated Active Self-Healing for Integrated Circuits

    X. Guo and Mircea R. Stan publish a new book titled, " Circadian Rhythms for Future Resilient Electronic Systems: Accelerated Active Self-Healing for Integrated Circuits". The book covers topics on methods to address wearout/aging degradation's in electronic chips and systems, caused by several physical mechanisms at the device level. The authors introduce a novel technique called accelerated active self-healing, which fixes wearout issues by enabling accelerated recovery.

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