Lampe Research Group

Graduate and Undergraduate Openings

Our lab at UVA is always interested in motivated, creative, and independent researchers at every level. Potential graduate students who are interested in the research group should contact Prof. Lampe and APPLY TO A PH.D. PROGRAM at the University of Virginia. We are interested in anyone with the skills and interests to solve problems related to neural tissue engineering and drug delivery, including chemical and biomedical engineers and neuroscientists. Students interested in undergraduate research opportunities in the Lampe Group should contact Prof. Lampe directly.

Principal Investigator

Graduate Students

Rachel Mazur

Joined group in 2019 | Chemical Engineering
Ph.D. Student B.S. from NC State University, 2018

Undergraduate Students

Gordina Princess Hodibert

2026 | Biomedical Engineering

Lab Mascot



Does research in stealth motion-guided capture system of Sciurus carolinensis.

Group Alumni

Edi Meco

Joined group in 2014 | Chemical Engineering
Ph.D. 2020 B.S. from Penn State, 2012 Hybrid hydrogels for neural precursor cell survival and differentiation to improve recovery from traumatic brain injury