
  1. Dou Q, Wang Z, Feng X, Campbell-Washburn AE, Mugler JP 3rd, Meyer CH. MRI denoising with a non-blind deep complex-valued convolutional neural network. NMR Biomed. 2025 Jan;38(1):e5291. doi: 10.1002/nbm.5291.
  2. Wang Z, Ramasawmy R, Feng X, Campbell-Washburn AE, Mugler JP, Meyer CH. Concomitant magnetic-field compensation for 2D spiral-ring turbo spin-echo imaging at 0.55T and 1.5T. Magn Reson Med. 2023;90:552-568.
  3. Allen SP, Fergusson A, Edsall C, et al. Iron-based coupling media for MRI-guided ultrasound surgery. Med Phys. 2022;10.1002/mp.15979. 
  4. Sporkin HL, Patel TR, Betz Y, et al. Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer Magnetic Resonance Imaging Identifies Abnormal Calf Muscle-Specific Energetics in Peripheral Artery Disease. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2022;15(7):e013869.
  5. Wang Z, Allen SP, Feng X, Mugler JP 3rd, Meyer CH. SPRING-RIO TSE: 2D T2 -Weighted Turbo Spin-Echo brain imaging using SPiral RINGs with retraced in/out trajectories. Magn Reson Med. 2022;88(2):601-616.
  6. Feng X, Wang Z, Meyer CH. Real-time dynamic vocal tract imaging using an accelerated spiral GRE sequence and low rank plus sparse reconstruction. Magn Reson Imaging. 2021;80:106-112. 
  7. Allen SP, Prada F, Xu Z, et al. A preclinical study of diffusion-weighted MRI contrast as an early indicator of thermal ablation. Magn Reson Med. 2021;85(4):2145-2159. 
  8. Feng X, Tustison NJ, Patel SH, Meyer CH. Brain Tumor Segmentation Using an Ensemble of 3D U-Nets and Overall Survival Prediction Using Radiomic Features. Front Comput Neurosci. 2020;14:25. 
  9. Allen SP, Steeves T, Fergusson A, et al. Novel acoustic coupling bath using magnetite nanoparticles for MR-guided transcranial focused ultrasound surgeryMed Phys. 2019;46(12):5444-5453.
  10. Feng X, Dou Q, Tustison N, Meyer CH. Brain Tumor Segmentation with Uncertainty Estimation and Overall Survival Prediction. International MICCAI Brainlesion Workshop
  11. Feng X, Qing K, Tustison NJ, Meyer CH, Chen Q. Deep convolutional neural network for segmentation of thoracic organs-at-risk using cropped 3D images. Med Phys. 2019;46(5):2169-2180. 
  12. Allen SP, Feng X, Fielden SW, Meyer CH. Correcting image blur in spiral, retraced in/out (RIO) acquisitions using a maximized energy objective. Magn Reson Med. 2019;81(3):1806-1817.
  13. Feng X, Blemker SS, Inouye J, Pelland CM, Zhao L, Meyer CH. Assessment of velopharyngeal function with dual-planar high-resolution real-time spiral dynamic MRIMagn Reson Med. 2018;80(4):1467-1474.
  14. Fielden SW, Feng X, Zhao L, et al. A spiral-based volumetric acquisition for MR temperature imagingMagn Reson Med. 2018;79(6):3122-3127. 
  15. Zhao L, Feng X, Meyer CH. Direct and accelerated parameter mapping using the unscented Kalman filterMagn Reson Med. 2016;75(5):1989-1999. 
  16. Feng X, Salerno M, Kramer CM, Meyer CH. Non-Cartesian balanced steady-state free precession pulse sequences for real-time cardiac MRI. Magn Reson Med. 2016;75(4):1546-1555.
  17. Zhao L, Fielden SW, Feng X, Wintermark M, Mugler JP 3rd, Meyer CH. Rapid 3D dynamic arterial spin labeling with a sparse model-based image reconstructionNeuroimage. 2015;121:205-216. 
  18. Fielden SW, Mugler JP 3rd, Hagspiel KD, Norton PT, Kramer CM, Meyer CH. Noncontrast peripheral MRA with spiral echo train imaging. Magn Reson Med. 2015;73(3):1026-1033.
  19. Fielden SW, Meyer CH. A simple acquisition strategy to avoid off-resonance blurring in spiral imaging with redundant spiral-in/out k-space trajectoriesMagn Reson Med. 2015;73(2):704-710.

  1. Z Wang, R Ramasawmy, A Javed, JP Mugler III,  CH Meyer,  AE Campbell. System and Method for Variable-flip-angle 3D Spiral-in-out TSE/SPACE Using Echo-reordering and Concomitant Gradient Compensation. US Patent 18/402,593.
  2. Z Wang,JP Mugler III, CH Meyer, AE Campbell. System and Method for Distortion and Motion Artifact-Free Diffusion Imaging Using Single-Shot Diffusion-Prepared Turbo-Spin-Echo Sequence With Sprial-Ring Readouts and Magnitude Stabilizers. US Patent 18/402,720.
  3. CH Meyer, X Feng. Denoising magnetic resonance images using unsupervised deep convolutional neural networks. US Patent 11,954,578.
  4. CH Meyer, X Feng, M Salerno. System and method for fully automatic LV segmentation of myocardial first-pass perfusion images. US Patent 11,950,877
  5. Z Wang, SP Allen, X Feng, JP Mugler III, CH Meyer. Methods and systems for spin-echo train imaging using spiral rings with retraced trajectories. US Patent 11,921,179
  6. JP Mugler III, CH Meyer, A Campbell, R Ramasawmy, J Pfeuffer, Z Wang X Feng. Methods and systems for Maxwell compensation for spin-echo train imaging. US Patent 11,860,258.
  7. S Ghadimi, C Sun, X Feng, CH Meyer, FH Epstein. Systems and methods for phase unwrapping for dense MRI using deep learning. US Patent 11,857,288
  8. Q Dou, Z Wang, X Feng, JP Mugler III, CH Meyer. Motion compensation for MRI imaging. US Patent 11,846,692
  9. Q Dou, Z Wang, X Feng, CH Meyer. Method and system for low-field mri denoising with a deep complex-valued convolutional neural network. US Patent App. 18/305,296
  10. Z Wang, X Feng, JP Mugler III, M Salerno, AE Campbell-Washburn, CH Meyer. Systems and methods for spiral-in-out low field MRI scans. US Patent 11,747,419
  11. S Fielden, L Zhao, M Wintermark, CH Meyer. Systems and methods for medical imaging incorporating prior knowledge. US Patent 11,647,915
  12. YK Gilbo, HL Sporkin, SW Fielden, JP Mugler III, GW Miller IV, SP Allen, CH Meyer. Systems and methods for magnetic resonance based skull thermometry. US Patent 11,644,520