By  Jennifer McManamay
Başak Özaslan develops algorithms that improve physical activity-related blood glucose management in patients with Type 1 diabetes. Using data collected in patients' daily lives, she designs treatment adjustment methods tailored to the patient and their changing insulin needs due to variations in their daily physical activity. The most exciting moments of her research come during clinical trials. “You go in with anticipation and see how what we observed in the simulation environment is happening in real life,” she said. “We get to see how our algorithms work in real patients.” Özaslan, a multilingual native of Turkey, is a fifth- year Ph.D. candidate in systems engineering. She works closely with UVA's Center for Diabetes Technology, where the goal of their research is to optimally control blood glucose levels for patients as they go about daily activities. Özaslan examines data collected from patients' glucose monitors, insulin pumps and fitness tracking devices such as the Fitbit. “I do statistical analyses to understand the factors and their relationship to blood glucose control in everyday life. Then, I use that understanding to build computer models capable of enhancing and individualizing treatment strategies,” Özaslan said.