Yacov Haimes has never shied away from complexity. In fact, he made it his life's work. He's never shied from work, either, publishing his most recent book in late 2018 at the age of 82. “I am eager to take on new projects because there is always so much to gain intellectually and so much to contribute,” Haimes said, even as he was nearing retirement in 2019. Haimes is the Department of Engineering Systems and Environment's Lawrence R. Quarles Professor and founding director of the Center for Risk Management of Engineering Systems. During his more than 30 years at the University of Virginia School of Engineering, he forged an international reputation for his insights into the vulnerabilities and weaknesses of large interdependent and interconnected systems. In an age embracing the Internet of Things, autonomous vehicles and smart cities, having the tools to understand and mitigate risk across the breadth of human activity is increasingly important. Not surprisingly, interest in his work — he has authored or co-authored more than 200 journal papers and six books — has grown over time. Haimes was cited an average of 1,000 times a year between 2012 and 2018. He was among the first to marry systems engineering perspectives with risk analysis techniques, creating a new paradigm that revolutionized the way decision-making is conducted for systems with multiple objectives and a range of stakeholders. His techniques have helped address complex challenges in areas such as national security as well as water resource management and environmental engineering.