
A Hossack Lab publication was one of the top-10 cited articles published by Annals of Biomedical Engineering in 2018. Adam Dixon (Ph.D. '16) was the article's first author. Earlier this year, based on the merits of this same top-cited publication, Adam was one of six scholars selected by the Biomedical Engineering Society for the Athanasiou ABME Student Award, which recognizes the top papers published in the Annals of Biomedical Engineering by graduate students and post-doctoral scholars. Read more: Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2018 Year in Review "In Vitro Sonothrombolysis Enhancement by Transiently Stable Microbubbles Produced by a Flow-Focusing Microfluidic Device" Adam's work was also recently featured on the cover of the Annals of BME Kyriacos and Kiley Athanasiou Endowment