News Archive
September 2023: New undergraduates Franny, Kaylin, and Diana.
August 2023: Congrats to our very own JR Eisold who won the popular vote in the summer grad student student seminar series!
August 2023: Prof. Lampe begins his academic sabbatical at the University of Delaware in the departments of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Biomedical Engineering.
July 2023: Kyle, Rachel, and Jonathan all attend and present posters at the Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Gordon Conference in Holderness, New Hampshire.
June 2023: We welcome back our REU student, Lauran Pearson from Hampton University who rejoins our peptide hydrogel project this summer.
June 2023: We were privileged to welcome back five Lampe Group alumni for a virtual group meeting. It was wonderful to hear what Lauren, James, Nick, Edi, and Meghan are doing now, and how UVA helped them on their way.
June 2023: Congratulations to Drew (who will be starting his PhD in BME at UVA this Fall) for being awarded a Jefferson Fellowship. HTTPS://WWW.JEFFERSONSCHOLARS.ORG/2023-SELECTION-RESULTS-1
May 2023: Congratulations to our students Walking the Lawn this year at Final Exercises; Liza, Anna, and Drew finished their BS in BME, Will completed his BS in ChE, and Zhiqi returned to receive her MS hood in ChE. We are proud of you all!
April 2023: Two of our undergraduates, Liza and Claire, were featured in an article about users of High-Performance Computing resources like Rivanna at UVA. HTTPS://ENGINEERING.VIRGINIA.EDU/NEWS/2023/05/HIGH-PERFORMANCE-RESEARCHERS-MODEL-MOLECULAR-INTERACTIONS. Liza Harold and Clare Cocker have a lot in common.
April 2023: Kyle presented a talk and chaired a session at the 2023 Society for Biomaterials meeting in San Diego.
March 2023: Nadeesani and Rachel presented posters at the department's annual CHEERS symposium.
February 2023: Kyle wrote a feature article for UVA's "Thoughts from the Lawn" blog. Read it to learn a bit more about the Lampe Group's research. HTTPS://ENGAGEMENT.VIRGINIA.EDU/LEARN/THOUGHTS-FROM-THE-LAWN/BRAIN-LAMPE
November 2022: Clare presents a poster on her computational peptide assembly research at AIChE in Phoenix.
October 2022: The Lampe Group welcomes new Ph.D. student JR Eisold, who is joining our peptide biomaterials project to support neural regeneration.
August 2022: Recent Hampton U summer researchers in the Lampe Group were featured in a UVA Engineering article about the program. HTTPS://ENGINEERING.VIRGINIA.EDU/NEWS/2022/07/START-SOMETHING-POWERFUL
July 2022: Kyle presented a poster at the 2022 Gordon Conference on Signal Transduction by Engineering Extracellular Matrices.
July 2022: Zhiqi successfully defends her MS thesis. Congrats. She is off to IUPUI to start a PhD in biostatistics this fall.
June 2022: Congrats to Clare Cocker, who won a Harrison Research Award to support her computational research this summer.
June 2022: Congrats to Drew, Anna, and Justin who received Engineering Dean's Summer Research Fellowships to support their summer research.
June 2022: Kyle was officially promoted to Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering with tenure!
April 2022: Congrats to Lampe Group alumnus Connor Amelung who won an NSF Graduate Research Fellowship this year. Connor is now a BME PhD student at Duke University.
April 2022: Five of us attended SFB in Baltimore. Rachel presented a talk and Rachel, Jonathan, Clare, and Liza all presented posters, while Kyle chaired a session on Engineered Biomaterials for Neural Applications. We also reconnected with alumni - Meghan Hefferon is a research scientist with the Heilshorn Group at Stanford, and Anne Katherine Brooks is a PhD student at VCU.
January 2022: The Lampe Group welcome Master's student Aditi Gourishankar to the group. Aditi will be working with our RAPID hydrogel system.
January 2022: The Lampe Group welcomes BIMS rotation student Patryk Krakowiak.
November 2021: Rachel presents her research on OPC behavior in HA-based hydrogels at AIChE in Boston.
November 2021: Undergraduates Clare and Liza present their computational work on peptide assemble at AIChE and take home 1st prize in their division. Hannah won 3rd prize for her poster on OPC proliferation and maturation in hydrogels.
October 2021: Former undergraduate Connor Amelung (now a Ph.D. student at Duke) virtually presents his undergraduate research at BMES 2021.
October 2021: The Lampe Group welcomes Nadeesani Sirinayake as our newest Ph.D. student who will work on our drug delivery team.
April 2021: Kyle presents some of Edi's thesis work at SFB 2021 (virtual) and co-chairs two sessions on Engineered Biomaterials for Neural Applications.
November 2020: The Lampe Group receives new support from the Commonwealth Health Research Board for our work in biomaterials for cell delivery.
October 2020: Congrats to recent graduate Edi Meco who starts his new job at Merck this month.
October 2020: Kyle co-chairs the Neural Engineering Track at the BMES 2020 (virtual) conference. Rachel Mazur presents a poster.
October 2020: The Lampe Group welcomes BME rotation student Anna Debski.
September 2020: The Lampe Group welcomes BME rotation student Reagan Portelance.
September 2020: Kyle gives an invited talk for the Northeastern University Chemistry department.
August 2020: Kyle and Steven Caliari give an invited talk as part of the University of Georgia Regenerative Bioscience Center summer seminar series.
August 2020: The Lampe Group welcomes new BME PhD student Jonathan Florian to research biomaterial platforms for neural regeneration.
August 2020: Gilberto gives an interview at UVA ChemE Briefs.
July 2020: Congrats to Edi who successfully defended his PhD thesis!
July 2020: Rachel and Zhiqi attend the 2020 Cold Spring Harbor Lab (virtual) conference on Glia in Health and Disease.
May 2020: Congrats to Nick who won the ChE department’s Louis T. Rader Chemical Engineering Prize for his excellent research, attitude, and hard work AND to James who earned the Chemical Engineering Special Recognition Award for his outstanding doctoral dissertation.
March 2020: Kyle gives and invited talk at his undergrad alma mater, Missouri University of Science and Technology.
February 2020: We welcome BIMS rotation student Chris Prevost to the lab to learn all about hydrogels and 3D cell culture.
February 2020: The Lampe Group hosts Professor Molly Shoichet as part of the Neuroscience Seminar series.
February 2020: Kyle gives an invited talk at the Vanderbilt University department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering.
January 2020: Kyle gives an invited talk at the Duke Biomedical Engineering department.
December 2019: The Lampe Group enjoys an evening of festive gifts, food, and of course…charades (!) to celebrate the end of another semester.
December 2019: Deniz successfully defends his MS thesis! Congrats!
December 2019: Kyle presents an invited talk at the TERMIS-Americas meeting in Orlando.
November 2019: Kyle is elected to be a Division Director for the AIChE Materials Engineering and Science Division (MESD).
November 2019: Kyle gives an invited talk at the AIChE Annual Meeting in Orlando. Nick presents three (3!) talks, including one in the Biomaterials Grad Student Award session, and Jessica presents a poster.
November 2019: The Lampe Group welcomes our newest PhD student, Rachel Mazur, who graduated with her BS in Chemical Engineering from NCSU in 2018.
November 2019: Congratulations to Nick who successfully defended his PhD thesis!
October 2019: Kyle gives an invited talk at the BMES annual meeting in Philadelphia.
August 2019: Congrats to our most recent graduate – James successfully completed his PhD!
July 2019: Kyle presents a poster at the GRC for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering in Barcelona, Spain.
July 2019: The Lampe Group enjoys our annual summary outing, this time kayaking on the Rivanna River.
June 2019: The hard work is paying off. The Lampe Group begins two new grants this month – a Trailblazer from NIH on drug delivery, and a NSF award on engineering models of myelination and demyelination.
May 2019: Congrats to Lauren who won the ChE department’s Louis T. Rader Chemical Engineering Prize for her excellent research and contributions to the department.
May 2019: Congrats to all our graduates. Lauren completed her PhD! And Ethan, Anne Katherine, and Patryck all graduated with BS degrees and ChE and are headed to PhD programs this fall.
April 2019: Kyle and James each present research talks at the annual Society for Biomaterials meeting in Seattle.
April 2019: Kyle presents an invited talk at the 2nd Annual Biomaterials and Regenerative Medicine Sympoisum at the University of Victoria, British Columbia.
November 2018: Kyle presents an invited talk at the University of Delaware to the Materials Science and Biomedical Engineering departments.
November 2018: Lauren won 2nd place in AIChE Biomaterials Graduate Student Award competition. Ethan won 2nd place in the AIChE Biotechnology poster competition.
October 2018: Lauren presents three talks at AIChE. Ethan presents a poster and a talk.
October 2018: Edi presents a poster at BMES in Atlanta.
October 2018: Welcome to our most recent PhD student, Zhiqi Zhang. Zhiqi completed her BS in Chemical Engineering from Purdue University last May.
August 2018: The Lampe Group enjoys a summer outing, a fun hike at Spy Rock!
July 2018: Kyle and James both present posters at the GRC for Signal Transduction by Engineered Extracellular Matrices in Andover, NH. Kyle also served as a discussion leader.
May 2018: Congrats to all our graduating undergraduate researchers: Maryam, Meghan, Jonas. It’s been a pleasure and thanks for all the hard work!
May 2018: Congratulations to Anne Katherine who received a UVA Chemical Engineering Canty Research Award
April 2018: Kyle and James both present oral talks at the Society for Biomaterials meeting in Alanta, GA
February 2018: Kyle presents an invited talk for the Biomedical Engineering Depatment at Tufts University
February 2018: Kyle presents an invited talk for the Chemical Engineering Department at Northeastern University
February 2018: Congrats to James who won a Society for Biomaterials STAR Travel Award!
February 2018: Congratulations to Anne Katherine who won a UVA Harrison Award to support her undergraduate research project.
November 2017: UVA hosts the 2nd annual Advanced Biomanufacturing Symposium in collaboration with the Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Initiative (ARMI).
October 2017: Kyle presented an invited talk at Virginia Tech, hosted by ChE.
October 2017: Kyle and Nick both present oral talks at BMES in Phoenix. Meghan presents with Danny on a collaborative project with the Pierce-Cottler lab.
October 2017: Kyle and Lauren both present oral talks at AIChE in Minneapolis. Kyle is the 2017 Area Vice Chair for the Engineering Fundamentals in Life Sciences Area.
June 2017: Kyle presents an invited talk at the 6th International Conference on Tissue Engineering in Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
July 2017: Lauren represents UVA Engineering at the National Academy of Engineering Grand Challenges Summit in Washington, DC.
July 2017: Congrats to Lauren who won a Fellowship from the Achievement Rewards for College Scientists to support her work.
July 2017: Kyle attends the Biomaterials GRC in Holderness, ME.
July 2017: The Lampe group enjoys a summer outing, kayaking on the James River, followed by some delicious ice cream.
May 2017: Congrats to UG Meghan Pinezich who graduated as a double major in ChE and French. She is off to start a PhD in BME this fall with Gordana Vunjak-Novakovic at Columbia. Best wishes Meghan!
May 2017: Congrats to Nick and Lydia for winning a DoubleHoo fellowship to fund their joint project.
April 2017: Kyle presents an oral talk and chairs the Biomaterials for Neural Applications session at SFB in Minneapolis.
April 2017: Kyle presents an invited talk at Arizona State University, hosted by ChE.
February 2017: UVA launches the Center for Advanced Biomanufacturing. Kyle serves as part of the steering committee for this new collaborative center.
November 2016: Congrats to poster award winners at the 2016 Biotech Training Program Symposium: Lauren Russell, 3rd place; Meghan Pinezich, Honorable Mention
November 2016: Congratulations to Meghan Pinezich on her 2nd place poster award at AIChE 2016 in San Francisco!
November 2016: Prof. Lampe chaired two sessions at AIChE 2016 in San Francisco.
November 2016: Prof. Lampe, Lauren, Edi, James, and Meghan P. all attended and presented their work at AIChE 2016 in San Francisco, 4 talks and a poster.
October 2016: Congratulations to Nick Murphy, who won an outstanding poster award at BMES 2016, 1 of only 5 awards given out to the >1000 posters.
October 2016: Prof. Lampe presents two talks and Nick Murphy presents a poster at BMES 2016 in Minneapolis, MN
August 2016: Prof. Lampe meets with the UVA Board of Visitors to talk about research and the vision for UVA's next 200 years.
July 2016: The Lampe Group enjoys a festive outing of paintball and kayaking, plus ice cream!
June 2016: Prof. Lampe and James Tang present posters at the Signal Transduction by Engineered Extracellular Matrices GRC in Biddeford, ME
May 2016: Prof. Lampe gave a presentation and a poster at the World Biomaterials Congress in Montreal, Canada.
May 2016: Congratulations to our award-winning Lampe Group undergrads: graduating 4th year Sarah Shamsie for the American Institute of Chemists Award and 3rd year Meghan Pinezich for the Via Brothers Award and the Thomson Scholarship!
April 2016: The Lampe Group hosted a SWE visit weekend lab experiment. What fun getting these young ladies excited about biomaterials and tissue engineering
March 2016: Congratulations to Nick Murphy and James Tang, both Honorable Mentions for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!
February 2016: Congratulations to Meghan Pinezich, a third year UG in the Lampe Group, who won a Harrison Award to support her research project!
November 2015: Prof Lampe elected as the AIChE 2018 Area Chair for Engineering Fundamentals in Life Sciences
November 2015: Professor Lampe attends the AIChE 2015 meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah and chairs the Biomaterials III: Faculty Candidates session.
October 2015: The Lampe Group received a Service Unit grant allocation from the School of Engineering and the Data Science Institute for our collaborative simulation project with Prof. Cam Mura (Chemistry) and his group.
October 2015: The Lampe Group traveled to Tampa for BMES 2015. Lauren and CJ both presented posters and Prof. Lampe gave a talk.
June 2015: The Lampe Group leads demo on hydrogels for tissue engineering with 50+ high school students in UVA's Intro to Engineering camp.
May 2015: Congratulations to our first graduate, BS recipient Chelsea Harris, who will begin her pursuit of a Chemical Engineering Ph.D. at Auburn this fall. Congrats and we'll miss you!
May 2015: The Lampe Group celebrates our first complete academic year with a semester-end dinner at the Lampe home!
April 2015: Congrats to Lampe Group undergraduates, 4th year Chelsea Harris (Louis T. Rader Chem Eng Prize) and 3rd year Sarah Shamsie (Dudley M. Harman Scholarship), for winning their UVA ChE Awards!
April 2015: Congratulations to undergrad BME student CJ and grad ChE student Lauren pairing up to win a $5000 Double Hoo Research Grant to support their work on oligodendrocytes in 3D!
March 2015: Lauren presents her research as a finalist in the University of Virginia Engineering Research Symposium (UVERS) poster competition.
December 2014: Congrats to Lauren Russell on winning a TERMIS-AM travel award! She and Professor Lampe attend the annual TERMIS-AM meeting in Washington DC where Professor Lampe presented a poster and a talk.
December 2014: Congrats to James Tang, best poster winner in the ChE 1st year Research Methods course.
December 2014: The Lampe Group celebrates the end of the semester with our first annual Holiday Party complete with tacky Christmas sweaters and a white elephant gift exchange.
November 2014: The Lampe Group welcomes three new Ph.D. students! Expect big things from new neural tissue engineers Edi Meco, Nick Murphy, and James Tang.
November 2014: Professor Lampe gives two talks and chairs two sessions on Hydrogel Biomaterials and Biomaterial Scaffolds for Tissue Engineering at the annual AIChE conference in Atlanta, GA.
October 2014: Professor Lampe attends the Biomedical Engineering Society annual meeting in San Antonio, TX.
October 2014: The Lampe Group welcomes a new undergrad researcher, Biomedical Engineering 3rd year CJ Norsigian.
September 2014: The Lampe Group welcomes a new undergrad researcher, 1st year Engineering student, Isabella Zecchini. Welcome Bella!
September 2014: Professor Lampe gives the UVA Neuroscience Graduate Program seminar in Jordan Hall.
September 2014: Congratulations to Lauren for passing her qualifying exam. Welcome to Ph.D. candidacy Lauren!
July 2014: Professor Lampe presents a poster at the Gordon Research Conference on Signal Transduction by Engineered Extracellular Matrices at Bentley University near Boston.
June 2014: Professor Lampe attends the UVA Neuroscience Graduate Program Retreat at Blue Mountain Brewery.
March 2014: Lauren presents her research as a finalist in the University of Virginia Engineering Research Symposium (UVERS) poster competition
February 2014: The Lampe Group welcomes Chelsea Harris and Sarah Shamsie, ChE undergraduate students, to the lab.
January 2014: Professor Lampe begins at UVA. Our (currently empty) lab is A005 and A007 in Wilsdorf Hall.
October 2013: The Lampe Group is established by welcoming new graduate student Lauren Russell! Our first graduate student is eager to get this lab up and going and do some research.