CompEdCenter Affiliated Projects
The CompEdCenter is comprised of computing education research and outreach projects being conducted by affiliated faculty. See some of the exciting work we are up to below!
Computing Education Research
Empiricism in CS Education Research
PI: Mark Sherriff
The goal of this project is to transform empirical CSEd research by building and supporting a community of CSEd researchers through: (1) creation and curation of laboratory packages to facilitate empirical CSEd research, (2) facilitation of cohorts of 10-12 educators who are mentored in developing...
Study on student perception, motivation, and engagement in college software testing course
PI: Upsorn Praphamontripong
To help students understand the concepts and the application of software testing, bridging theory and practice while maintaining active learning environment, this project intends to (i) redesign a software testing course and (ii) create and integrate a collection of hands-on, in-class and out-of-class activities, and a self-paced practice tool into a software testing course.
Computing Outreach Projects
Partnering to Develop Better Internship Experiences Description
PI: Tom Horton
The project Partnering to Develop Better Internship Experiences has two activities that will better support computing students as they seek internship opportunities with Virginia companies.