• A Cognitive Assistant on Your Doctor’s Smartwatch?

  • A Visionary Leader in Computer Science

    Set to Retire This Year, 'Father of Real-Time Computing' Jack Stankovic Is Leaving Behind a Legacy of Seminal Research and a Lasting Impact on UVA

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  • Inaugural ASEAN Smart City Symposium Focuses on Practical, Research-Driven Results

    A new symposium brings research collaboration between UVA’s Department of Computer Science and international partners full circle.

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  • Wearable Electronics: Do You Have Exoskeletons in Your Closet?

    With this assistive technology, those who suffer from neuromuscular diseases like cerebral palsy or ALS and have a loss of motor control could do things like drink a cup of coffee, have dinners and ma

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  • CAREER Award: Helping More People Benefit from Less-Invasive Robotic Surgery

    Alemzadeh’s research will enable better training for surgeons, providing feedback in context of their work with patients.

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  • CAREER Award: Designing the Next Generation of Wireless Communications Systems

    Working in partnership with industry, Shen's machine-learning models can be prototyped, standardized and integrated into real systems.

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  • Putting It All on the Line

    UVA Students Test Their Code in a Robot Competition that Relies on Teamwork

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  • UVA Earns International Bragging Rights for Driverless Racing

    UVA’s fully autonomous car achieved an average speed of nearly 120 mph and a top speed of 124 mph in the historic Indy Autonomous Challenge Powered by Cisco.

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  • A Robotic Fish Tail and an Elegant Math Ratio Could Inform the Design of Next-Generation Underwater Drones

    University of Virginia School of Engineering researchers uncover the secrets of highly efficient swimming at varying speeds.

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  • Masters of Success

    This year, for the first time at the University of Virginia, graduate students were offered a chance to earn a certificate in one of the nation’s newest high-tech fields: cyber-physical systems. 

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  • The Power of Power

    Researchers at the University of Virginia School of Engineering’s Link Lab are creating sustainable hardware to power sensor networks. Their work will help make a future trillion-device IoT possible.

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