Crafting Success for Underrepresented Scientists and Engineers

As part of its ongoing efforts to remove barriers and empower future engineers, the Office of Diversity & Engagement is leading a national study, Crafting Success for Underrepresented Scientists and Engineers, aimed at revolutionizing diversity in STEM. In response to the first phases of research, the Engineering school has removed caps on undergraduate majors, improved orientation procedures for calculus placement, increased collaborations with Center for Engineering Career Development, and redesigned our summer Bridge Program to increase its positive impact on students.

UVA is working on many levels to make the University a welcoming and inclusive space for students from underrepresented backgrounds. In addition to initiatives within the Engineering Department, the Center for Teaching Excellence began UVA Acts, which works with students, faculty, and others to improve communication and equality. The University as a whole is addressing the impact of the history of slavery, the campus climate, and events within the city of Charlottesville.

This research was made possible by the generous support of the LMI Research Institute’s Academic Partnership Program in collaboration with the Commonwealth Center for Advanced Logistics Systems (CCALS), the Jefferson Trust, and funding from the University of Virginia’s Provost Office, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Crafting Success for Underrepresented Scientists and Engineers Research Design 

Phase 1: Large-scale quantitative analysis of student records 
Phase 2a: Mixed-methods study of student experiences 
Phase 2b: Documentation of policies, practices, and programs 
Phase 3: Design-based prototyping of interventions
Phase 4: Determination and implementation of interventions 
Phase 5: Assessment of interventions' effectiveness 

Researchers and Staff

Dr. Karen Kurotsuchi Inkelas headshot

Dr. Karen Kurotsuchi Inkelas

CSUSE Research Director
Associate Professor Curry School of Education
Dr. Jenn Maeng headshot

Dr. Jenn Maeng

Phase 2a Leader
Research Assistant Professor Curry School of Education
Dr. Chauncey Smith headshot

Dr. Chauncey Smith

Phase 2b Leader
Assistant Professor Curry School of Education
Chris Hulleman headshot

Dr. Chris Hulleman

Phase 3 Leader, Phases 4 & 5 Co-Leader
Research Associate Professor Curry School of Education
Dr. Josipa Roksa headshot

Dr. Josipa Roksa

Phases 4 & 5 Co-Leader
Professor College of Arts & Science, Curry School of Education
Sophie Trawalter portrait

Dr. Sophie Trawalter

Phases 4 & 5 Co-Leader
Associate Professor Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy, College of Arts and Sciences
Dr. Tim Wilson Sherrell J. Aston

Dr. Tim Wilson Sherrell J. Aston

Phases 4 & 5 Co-Leader
Professor College of Arts & Sciences, Batten School of Leadership & Public Policy