What is Academic Coaching?

You will meet one-on-one with a member of our Undergraduate Success team. During meetings, you will have the opportunity to identify your strengths and areas of growth. Meetings are free, unlimited, and can be scheduled anytime of the year. You can even meet with us when you take a break from school.

What do You Do During a Coaching Session?

You can expect to meet with an equity-minded, strength based professional coach.  We help you identify your barriers, explore strategies, and set goals to balance your well being and academic performance. We believe in your ability to succeed academically and want to provide you with the resources to achieve your goals.

What Can You Expect After a Coaching Session?

The hard work is up to you and we believe in your abilities. Knowing success takes a village, we may build out a personalized success team that involves other staff and faculty in our school and across the university (i.e. Center for Diversity in Engineering, Engineering Career Development, Counseling and Psychological Services, Engineering International Programs, etc). This could include an email follow up or empowering you with the information to reach out to individuals directly yourself.  

Schedule an Academic Coaching Appointment

If no times are available or you need to meet sooner, email your weekday availability to Lisa or Georgina directly.